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*Two weeks later*

Everything was working out fine for now. Gareth was gone most of the time and school was great. I didn't work all that much so it gave me time for homework. I've met everyone in this odd group of people. Jessica and Leanna are my favorite people ever.

David, Mason and two other guys I met are nice to. I call my dad every night to tell him all about school and work. The only thing I don't tell him about is Logan. I stood behind the counter as he stocked the store. It was just the two of us here and that was the worst.

He never talked to and if he did he was upset with me. It was Saturday and almost midnight. I yawned softly and he looked at me.

"You can leave." He said looking away from me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed my jacket. I walked outside and to my car. I noticed a boy walking to the door and I stopped him.

"It's closed." I said softly.

"Dame." He said turning to me.

He looked me over as I opened the car door.

"Hey what's your name cutie?" He ask walking to me.

"It's Rose." I said giving a fake name.

I tried to step in but he grabbed my shoulder pulling me out.

"Hey don't leave, talk to me cutie." He said holding my should tighter.

I pulled away grabbing the car door.

"No, I want to go home so excuse me." I said pushing him away.

He gave me a upset look then looked around.

"Why are you being a bitch? I'm just trying to talk!" He yelled at me pushing the door closed.

He walked to me and I looked around him. I can't stand Logan but right now he'll be a big help. Sadly I didn't see him so I looked at the boy.

"Can you just let me go?" I said knowing he wasn't going to.

I fixed my keys in my hand so I could scratch him as hard as I could.

"Come on babe." He said grabbing me around my waist and pulling me to him.

I kicked and push at him yelling stop. He grabbed my hair hitting my head on the car. I could feel the blood running down my head and the slightly dizzy feeling with it.

"Get off of me!" I yelled digging the keys into his neck.

He fell back and looked at me holding his neck.

"You bitch!" He yelled coming to me.

Before he got closer Logan punched him making him fall. He backed away as Logan came closer to him. He got up and started to run away but Logan didn't follow him. He turned to me and ran to me quick.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He said grabbing my arm pulling me up.

The world twist and turned around me and his words. My knees buckled and I almost fell but he caught me. He picked me up into his arms and carried. I'm not sure if it was the head injury or I was crazy but looking at him he was... Handsome.

His blond hair shining in the light, slight stumble on his chin. I could feel that he had muscles under his shirt. He sat me down and grabbed his phone calling David and Mason.

He walked away a little and talked to them. I wanted him to come back I wanted to touch him again.

"The guys are on there way here. Are you okay? Let me see your head." He said sitting next to me and placed my head on his lap.

"It's not to bad just a cut." He said cleaning it with a napkin.

I couldn't help but cry right now and he softly rubbed my hair.

"I'm sorry Vi, I was to busy being a ass that I forgot your still a woman." He said.

I just sat there as he rubbed my hair gentle. After a few minutes I started to drift off to sleep.


I woke up in darkness and looked around. My head was still aching and my eyes puffy from crying. I stood and my feet hit a soft carpet.

"Hello?" I said loud.

A boy walked into the room clicking the light on. I think this one was Rowan because he didn't look like Mason.

"You're awake, that good." He said walking to me.

"When did I get here?" I asked as he sat next to me.

"Logan called us but when we all got there you where a sleep, well passed out. So we just took you here." He said smiling at me.

I reached back to touch the sore spot on my head when he grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch it, we don't want it getting infected." He said placing my hand on my lap.

"Thank you for helping me. I know I don't really know you that well." I said smiling at him.

"No problem love." He said patting my leg.

He stood up and walked to the door but before he could open it Jessica and Leanna busted in.

"Good you're awake." Leanna said holding her chest.

"You had us worried sick." Jessica said.

They both sat on each side of me hugging me and I returned it.

"Looks like you got company now." Rowan said smiling at the three of us.

He walked out closing the door behind himself.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked sounding worried still.

"I'm fine, both of you stop worrying about me." I said grabbing there hands.

I wasn't okay, I was far from okay. I still kept thinking about Logan. I know I shouldn't be, he's my boss and on top of that he's kind of a jerk.

"Something on your mind sweetie?" Leanna asked me.

I looked at her debating souls I tell them about my problem. They are my friends and the only ones I managed to make.

"Well no I'm not." I said nervous.

"Is it your head still?" Jessica asked looking to my head.

"No, it's Logan." I said.

"Logan's okay, he's down stairs talking to the guys don't worry about him." Leanna said smiling.

"It's not that, it's because back at the store I felt something for him. It was the first time he was nice to me. He was sweet, caring, and it was the first time I was ever that close to him." I said with a shaky voice.

I looked at them and they seemed shocked by my words. I was shocked by my words to but they are honest.

"Yeah I see your problem, how can you be attracted to Logan with David walking around?" Leanna said smiling.

"Shut up stupid." Jessica said laughing.

"I'm sorry, maybe it was just in the moment. He helped you and you felt close to him. Maybe if you see him again you want feel that why." Leanna said.

"Yeah maybe that was it." Jessica said nodding her head.

"Maybe you guys are right. I'll go down stairs and see how I feel seeing him." I said standing up.

I hope that's all it was because I don't want to like Logan. That has trouble stamped all over it.

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