19.Stop this

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The rest of the day was me doing my best to avoid talking about my feelings. Logan always told the truth no matter how harsh it was, I didn't want to hear the truth. I sat there waiting for him to come back with our dinner.

I need to tell him and having a three way conversation with Jess and Hershey made me feel better. I missed them and it's only been two days. Logan walked in and I walked to the door. He planted a cold kiss on my cheek and I smiled.

"Missed me?" He said kissing me again.

He sat the bag down on the table and I followed him to the kitchen.

"Something wrong?" He said turning to me.

"No." I said walking pass him to the table.

"Violet?" He said grabbing my shoulders.

"Yeah." I looked at him.

He just searched my face looking for answers. I held still trying to not show emotions.

"It's because of Blair showing up." He said grabbing my other shoulder.

"You think I'm going to kick you aside if I find another girl. I love you, I've known I loved you for a while now. I don't know what the future holds for us. Rather together or a part I'll still love and I'll never push you aside." He said looking into my eyes.

"I know, it's just after the whole thing with George I was scared it was going to happen with you." I said looking down.

"That will never happen." He kissed my nose and sat me at the table.

"Now let's eat." He said handing me my food.

I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. We ate our food talking about family and friends. He honest was funny when he was very open with me. This relationship was new but off to a great start... Now. I stood cleaning off the table and he headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a while I heard the sound of water telling me me was in the shower. I heard a knock at the door and walked to it. I pulled the door open and saw George.

"Hey babe." He said push pass me into the house.

"I'm not your babe and you need to go now." I pointed to the door but he didn't care.

"I miss you, I'm sorry I broke up with you. I was confused and heart broken that you left me alone. I can't live without, I love you." He said pushing the door close.

"I'm not in love with you anymore. I've moved on and I have a boyfriend now." I said grabbing the door.

"Then leave him, I'm what you want. I'm your first love, you first boyfriend. You gave your body and soul to me, he can't compare to me. You are mine." He grabbed my arms pulling me into him.

"No I'm not get off of me." I yelled at him.

He grabbed my hair pulling my head back hard.

"You're making his hard." He yelled back kissing my neck.

I wish i put in jeans and a shirt to day. All I had on was shorts and a tank top. I could feel his growing erection on my leg.

"Get off of me! Logan!" I yelled kicking and pushing at him.

"So your boyfriends here." He said releasing me.

"Get out!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me face full of rage. He grabbed my neck and pushed me into the wall behind me. He looked at me but before he could talk he was tackled to the ground. I stood there gasping for air trying to see my savers face. George punched him making him fall backward reviling that my saver was Conner.

Logan bust out the bathroom with boxers and a tee shirt. I watched as he tried to help Conner but he already pulled George outside. He followed but all I could hear was yelling. I heard a car start followed by more yelling mostly from George. Logan and Conner walked in and I ran to them.

I hugged Conner tight and he returned.

"Are you alright?" I asked him quickly.

"Yeah I'm fine, how about you?" He asked.

I pulled my head back to look at him then nodded. His lip was bleeding with a big cut over his eye. He smiled at me and I gave him a weak smile in return. I released him and pulled him into the kitchen. I grabbed my first aid kit to clean him up.

I felt bad that he was hurt over my mess. I looked up at Logan and noticed he had a black eye and his arms and knees where bleed and scrapped up.

"Logan are you alright? I didn't notice that...."

He held up his hand stopping me from talking. He slightly limped pass me to the bathroom closing the door softly. I turned my attention back to Conner and finished working on him.

After 10 minutes I was done and he was feeling better.

"Thanks, Violet." He said standing.

I rubbed his arm gently and smiled at him.

"No, thank you; I don't know what would have happened it you didn't show." I said reaching up for a hug.

"You know he's mad." He said hugging me back.

I looked at the still closed bathroom door and frowned.

"I didn't mean it that way. I didn't know he was fighting too, I worried for him to." I said sadly.

"I'm fine don't worry about me."

He walked to the door and I followed behind him. He stepped out but before I could close it he turned to me.

"If there's a next time, worry about him first and me last. He's going to start to get a bad impression of our friendship." He said winking at me.

He walked away and I closed the door locking it behind me. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Logan come out please." I begged him.

I door opened and he stood the with a clean face.

"You okay?" He asked looking me up and down like always.

He touched my neck and I jumped.

"He left bad bruise on your neck." He said walking to his room.

I followed him and stopped in the door way. He sat in his bed pulling off his shirt. He looked at me with this look at I saw before. It felt strange like I've seen this look on him before, not really angry but not really annoyed.

"You can leave." He said turning from me.

I know what's going on this, he trying to push me away. Again.

"Stop this bullshit!" I yelled to him.

He looked up at me but didn't talk. My eyes watered but I walked closer.

"Stop this." I said again.

His expression didn't change he just looked away.

"Conner helped me, he made it to me before you did. I didn't know you where fighting, I didn't see it. I love you Logan and that's it, Conner is nothing but my friend. Why can't you understand that?" I said looking at him.

"Go to bed." He said laying back.

I walked to the door and stopped outside of it.

"I'm done doing this with you, my heart can't take this." I said with my back to him.

"What does that mean?" He said moving on his bed.

He knew what it ment, I didn't respond. I closed the door walking to my room. I'm tried of trying with him and it's been two day. He was still that Logan I met 4 and a half months ago and he wasn't changing.

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