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We made I to the store and I decided to stay and work. Gareth won't be back till Friday and it Monday. Logan went to the back and found a work shirt deciding to stay with me. He was showing me how to stock item when a boy walked in.

"Hello." I said to him.

He nodded and walked in looking around.

"Ask him out." Logan whispered to me.

"What? No." I said still stocking.

"Come on, if you don't try you'll never get over this crush for me." He said.

"I guess." I said still not wanting to do this.

He pushed me toward him and I moved back some.

"Wait come here." He said turning me to face him.

He undid my shirt buttons exposing the top of my breast. He took out my hair tie letting my hair fall around my shoulders. He took some pulling it over my shoulder till it rested over my breast. He grabbed a pair of reading glasses of the counter and put them on me.

"That's better." He said looking me over.

"What am I looking a boyfriend or just sex?" I asked really needing to know.

"I don't know." He handed me some lip balm.

When I didn't grab it he pulled my head to him and rubbed it on. My heart felt funny being this close to him. He looked at my lips and I couldn't help but look at his. I bit my lip and he moved back some.

"Don't do that." He said releasing me.

"Sorry." He turned me pushing me to the guy.

I stopped behind him and looked back at Logan. He waved a hand to me telling me to go.

"Hey." I said turning to the guy.

He turned and looked me up and down.

"Do you guys sell batteries here?" He asked looking around.

"Umm no." I said trying to make eye contact but he didn't look at me.

"I came over here thinking maybe we could catch a movie or get dinner." I asked trying to stay confident.

"I'm not into black girls." He said bluntly to me.

"Then get out." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes to me and pushed pass me. I watched him and Logan walked to me.

"What happened?" He asked watching me.

"He's not into black girls." I said taking my hair tie back.

"Well fuck that guy will find another one." He said as I walked away.

"I don't want to do this." I said fixing my shirt my removing the glasses.

"Vi you have to try." He said grabbing my hand.

I don't understand why but I just want him right now. The more I got to know him today the more I wanted him.

"Okay." I said unsure of myself.

"Good before you know it I'll be old news to you." He said walking to the back.

Yeah I hope so but I'm not sure if this way is going to work. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I picked it up.

"Hello." I said.

"Violet I'm going to be in town in 20 minutes." George said thee the phone.

"What? Why?" I asked annoyed now.

"I need to talk with you. Where are you?" He asked sounding happy.

"I'm at work I'll text you." I hung up the phone feeling sick now.

I don't want to see him and I don't want to talk to him either. Logan walked out with lip stick in his hand.

"Here this will help, everybody likes lip stick." He handed it to me but I didn't take it.

"What's wrong now?" He said picking my head up by my chin.

"My ex boyfriend is going to be here in 15 minutes." I said huffing.

"Why? I though he broke up with you and was in a different town." He said putting the lip stick in his pocket.

"He said he wanted to talk to me but I don't want to talk to him." I said sadly.

"Well just talk to him, I'm sure he wants to get back together. Don't get back with him he dumped you and said I'll still fuck. He doesn't give a fuck about you." He said in a nonchalant way.

He's the one to talk he was willing to run around forcing me to talk to guys so I could leave him alone. How many fucks did he care about me?

"You're the one to talk." I said to him.

"What dose that mean?" He said looking down at me.

"You know what mean." I said pushing pass him.

"I'm trying to help you."

"Really how? By telling me it will NEVER happen. Is it really that bad I have a crush on you?" I said feeling upset.

"It's not a bad thing but it's not something I want and I really, really don't want it with you." He said laughing.

I just looked at him and wondered for a second. What did he mean?

"I know you don't have feelings for me. I've been nothing but mean to you up in till yesterday. I'm going to prove it to you." He walked to me stopping in front of me.

He looked down at me and I looked at him confused.

"We can kiss and you'll see it's nothing there." He said sure of his plan.

I nodded to him not showing the excitement I felt about kissing him.

He bent down to me and when I didn't move he pulled me to him. When our lips where inches away I stopped.

"I'm not sure about this, where was you mouth on that girl last night?" I asked.

He started to laugh and hung his head back. He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

"Just kiss me woman." He said pulling me closer.

Our lips touched softly then he put force into it. I kept my mouth closed but when his tongue slipped between my lips I parted them. His tongue taste so right, this kiss felt so right. I let his tongue message mine as I got lost in his taste.

I moved my tongue almost fighting with him. Suddenly he pulled away and looked at me. I was slightly dazzled and dizzy by the kiss.

"You see.....nothing." He said smiling at me.

"Yeah." I said back to him feeling worse.

"Come on let's get back to work." He tapped my shoulder and I walked back to my work.

He went to the back leaving me alone. I just know one thing the kiss didn't work, it made it worse.

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