1. Train Ride

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"Violet do you have everything?" My dad yelled from down stairs.

I was packing my stuff getting ready for a long train ride. I had my clothes, books, shoes and more importantly my extra pair of glasses.

"Yeah dad I have everything." I said walking out my room.

I heard talking down the hall, so I walked into my brother Jason room. I sat my bags down and walked to him as he played with his toys.

"Talking to yourself again?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"Shut up nerd." He said standing.

I smiled at him as he carefully walked to me. He felt around a little and I reached my hand out grabbing his shoulder. He hugged me softly and I returned it.

"Violet, what's taking so long?" Dad yelled again.

"Coming." I yelled back to him.

I grabbed my bag releasing my brother shoulder and grabbed his hand.

"I got it." Jason said reaching for my bag.

"Jason it's fine." I said releasing his hand and grabbing is cane.

"You don't have to treat me like I'm helpless." He said reaching out for the cane.

I gave him the cane and smiled at how independent he wanted to be. He was strong, smart, sweet and loving but still had a sassy ass mouth.

"I'm not but I want to help you, and I don't want to strain you." I said walking to the steps.

He followed behind me but I could hear his huffs of anger. He remained me so much of mom that I couldn't help but smile at him.

"You alway have a smart remark or upset about something." I said giggling at him.

"I'm blind not weak, I can carry a dame bag." He said grabbing the railing going down the stairs.

I followed him making sure he didn't fall. I didn't think he was weak, but I'm getting use to helping him all the time. Without mom here I'm the one that helps him the most. We reached the bottom of the stairs and saw dad talking to Mia his nurse.

"There you are, what took do long?" Dad said rolling over to me.

I smiled at him and leaned down to hug him.

"I was helping Jason." I looked over at Mia seating on the couch.

Mia was looking at her phone but looked up when I talked. Dad has a thing for her maybe more then just a thing. Sadly he'll never admit to it, but he does. I think it's good that he's moving on from mom. It's been four years and she's not coming back.

"Hey Mia, when did you get here?" I asked, really wondering when.

"Um.....I've been here all night, talking with your father. Is that alright?" She asked looking at me and Jason.

"I don't care." Jason said walking pass dad, going into the kitchen.

I looked at my dad and his face was filled with doubt. I gave him a warm smile, reassuring him I was okay with this.

"That's good Mia, dad loves having you around and so do I." I said looking at her.

She looked at dad and smiled and he returned it. I know why he liked Mia so much, she looked just like mum. Pretty brown skin with brown eyes to match. Her light brown hair was curly to, just like mums.

"Oh it 8:30 dear you should hurry." Mia said standing up.

She was right my train was going to be here at 9:00 and I couldn't miss it.  I walked to the front door and looked at my dad smiling at Mia packing the bags. I couldn't help but feel happy for him, he was at least looking even if he wouldn't admit to it.

"I'm Going to start out now." I said standing at the door.

My dad came to me first followed by Mia and Jason.

"Be careful sweetie, if you need anything call." Dad said reaching his arms out for a hug.

I nodded to him grabbing him in a hug.

I released him and turned to Mia. She seem to not know what to do but still reached for me. Her eyes started to water as I reached for her. I hugged her tight and she returned it. Lastly I turned to Jason. I love my dad and I really loved Mia to but I was going to miss Jason the most.

I couldn't really didn't like being away from him. He was the reason I was so closed off all my life. If I had him safe and happy, I was happy. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into the tight hug. He returned the hug and then let out a long sigh.

"Don't forget about me." He whispered to me.

"Never." I whispered back.

I released him and looked at his hazel eyes reminding me of mom.

"Okay dear you better go, I'll keep everything held up here." Mia said.

I smiled at the then walked out the door. I started walking and I fought the tears that wanted to come. I didn't want to leave them but I had to go to school. I checked my phone and it was 8:46. The train station wasn't far so I'll make it in time.

My phone buzzed and I checked it. George name popped up with a picture of him on the screen. George is my boyfriend, will I'm not sure if after today he will be. He basically begged me not to leave but with a education my dream job as a doctor was never going to happen.

"Hey." I said answering the phone.

"I'm at the station where are you?" He asked in a worried voice.

"I'm just walking to the building." I said opening the door to the station.

I grabbed my ticket and handed it to the man. He gave me quick directions and I walked away. I came to the platform and looked around. I spotted him still holding the phone to his ear. I hung up and walked to him.

"Hey." I said from behind him.

He turned and smiled at me, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Hey babe." He grabbed my hips pulling me into him.

He softly kissed my lips and I returned it.

"Do you have to leave?" He asked pulling away from me.

I looked into his brown eyes and rubbed my hand or his dark brown face.

"Yeah." I said softly.

I heard the train horn in the distance and I looked back. I could see it just a short distance away. I grabbed my bag and looked at him.

"I dont want to leave you, but I have to ." I said walking to the train pulling to a stop.

"I know." He kissed my cheek and backed away from.

The train pulled to a stop and I stepped on. I looked back at him and smiled but sadly he didn't return it.

The train pulled away and he just turned walking away. I went to my seat feeling sad to leave him and my family, but excited to started school. I was staying with my cousin on my mom said so that's some type of family.

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