24. I can't

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It was about 4 now and Mason was on his way. I was going shopping for Justin a birthday gift the heading home. Logan and I haven't talked the rest of the time which was good. I don't know why I reacted the way I did to him but I didn't like it.

"Hey guys." Mason said walking in.

I walked from behind the counter to hug him and he stopped me.

"Look at you." He said to me.

"Why so dressed up?" He asked glancing at Logan.

I pulled from him and looked at Logan.

"Yeah, why so dresses up?" Logan asked again.

"I'm not dressed up, and I wasn't because of you." I said to Logan.

"It was for me and I thank you." Logan said standing.

He walked to me wrapping his arm around me.

"So your back together?" Mason asked Logan.

"Yeah, she just has to accept it first." He said smacking my butt and walking away.

"No, no we are not." I said quickly.

"Logan I need your car mate, Jess is with my mom and they have the car." Mason said ignoring my words.

"What? David and Leanna both have a car now." He yelled to him from the back.

"Leanna car broke down this morning and they both took David's." He said walking to him.

I followed him going to get my key. Before I walked to the back Logan came out with my keys in hand.

"Ready to go?" He said.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go by myself." I reached for the keys but he pulled back.

"Come on Vi, you don't want me to walk home. He's your boyfriend.

"No, he's not."

"Yes he is."

"Yeah I am"

I looked at the two boys smiling at me and I walked out the store. I could hear them laughing as the door closed. I got into the car and waited for Logan. He came out and we pulled off.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"I don't know the mall I guess." I said angry.

He turned the car going down a dirt road.

"This isn't the way to the mall." I said looking at him.

He stopped the car and looked at me. I opened my mouth to talk but his captured mine. His tongue slipped in taking my breath away from. His hands wrapped around my neck pulling me in and even if I fought it I was caught. I kissed him back loving the way he taste. He pulled back and I grabbed his shirt.

"If you want me to stop just say it." He said as his breath hit my lips.

I should tell him to stop because this didn't make sence.

"How are you doing this to me? 5 month I spent trying to forget you and you pull me back in after just a few hours." I said to him.

He kissed my lips then my neck then the top of my breast.

"Because I love you and no matter how hard you try to not love me, you do." He moved from me to the back seat at sat down.

I looked at him and moved to the back sitting on his lap.

"Did you sleep with anyone?" I asked him.

"No, did you?" He asked me back.

"No, I've been in a few dates but that's it." I answered honestly.

His hands moved under my dress cupping my sex softly.

"Good." He said squeezing my sex hard.

I let's out a moan as his hand moved my panties to the side. I moved back a little working on his jeans. I got them loose freeing his erection. I gripped the base of it moving my hand slowly up and down. His blue eyes darkened as I pulled forward to kiss him.

The kiss had fire in it as he roughly moved his tongue over mine. He moved my hand away from him and ripped my panties off. I jumped at his sudden movement. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him. He kissed my neck as he pushed into me.

I moan loudly and so did he. I moved on him as he kissed and nibbled my neck and chest. I can't deny that I have missed him.

"I still do love you." I said panting.

"I know you do baby." He said back to me.

I kept moving till he moved me off of him and stood as best he could. He turned me entering me from behind. I felt my climax hit me hard making me scream out. His head laid on my back as he pushed deeper into me climaxing.

We stayed that way breathing heavy.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked suddenly.

"To make things easer." I replied.

"For who? Me or you?" He sat up and I looked back at him.

"For both of us." I said sadly.

"It didn't, I missed you like crazy. That's why I told Mason to tell you to work with me today." He said in my ear.

"You what?" I said trying to sit up.

He pushed deeper into me making me moan again.

"I'm not arguing with you Vi, I'm talking to you." I submitted to him listening to him.

"I went away because both of us need to find what we wanted. I love you but us being together made us both crazy. I couldn't keep fighting with you or forgiving you for your mistakes. I tried very hard to not love you but I can't help it." I said putting my head down on the seat.

"I'm sorry I hit you." He said kissing my neck.

I pushed back making him moved off of me. I fixed my clothes remembering to remove my tater underwear. I sat down and he sat next to me.

"I know it was a mistake but you have to admit we had problems." I looked at him.

"We did but leaving didn't fix any of them. I know I can be a jerk and jealous but I still love you. I know me trying to get you pregnant without talking to you was wrong. I just see Mason and David moving on and forgetting about. If you where pregnant I would alway have you and our child." He covered his face with his hands and huffed.

"You think they forgot about you?" I said low.

"Can't you tell, I'm always at home or at work. They either have there own thing or a group thing that I'm not invite to. This sounds so childish of me but I want my brothers back." He huffed and I looked at my phone.

Mason texted me telling me to come to his house. I texted back asking why and he just asked was Logan with me.

"Just call him." Logan said moving to the front.

I didn't want to call him so I texted him back. He said something special was for Logan at his house and don't tell him. I crawled to the front giving Logan a view of my bare butt. He slapped it and I hit his arm.

"I need to go to Mason's house and I need panties." I said.

"I prefer you like that." He smiled at me.

I smirked at him rubbing my legs pulling my dress up. He watched me closely till I stopped. He looked up at me and I smiled.

"Why did you stop?" He said grabbing my dress but I moved his hand.

"Let's go." I said laughing.

Cracks in our Souls [BWWM]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora