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I watched him behind me and I turned around.

"Are you okay?" I asked bitting my lip.

His eyes moved down to my lips and he smirked.

"You tell me." He said nodding at my erect nipples.

It was already cold in the room and him being this close wasn't helping.

"Violet you don't have a crush on me."

"I don't." I said slight confused by what was going on.

"No, I know what you want from me and I've been fighting it all day but I'll give it to you." He said grabbing my waist.

He put me on top of the dresser and parted my legs with his knee. His mouth landed on my neck, softly sucking. Was he right? did I just want to have sex with him? I did like him this close but it didn't feel right.

His hand softly cupped my breast and forced me back.

"Logan." I said wanting him to stop.

His mouth covered mine in a intoxicating kiss. His tongue went into my mouth and drew me in. He was the one I wanted, but I wanted more then sex. I pushed him away and he stubbled back.

"No." I said getting down.

Before he could talk I walked out the room feeling angry. I could hear him behind me but I didn't turn. I reached for the front door nob but he grabbed me.

"What's wrong?" He said confused.

"You think I want to have sex with you that's what's wrong. That's why you took my feelings as a joke. My feeling don't just work for dick." I said pulling the door open.

I walked out and he followed me.

"That's all it is Violet, you don't just grow feelings for someone in a day. If we just have sex and get it over with you'll forget about me and I could forget about you." He stopped looking shocked at his own words.

"You're the one that's having problems with your feelings not me. I know I like you in some way but you can't give me a chance." I fought the tear.

I didn't want to cry not now. I liked him but If I learned anything from Jessica and Leanna I need to love myself first. I was going to keep my pride and keep my dignity.

"Violet listen to me." He said almost begging.

"Where am I meeting your friend?" I said get into the car.

He took a deep breath and pushed back his hair.

"At this placed called Gus." He said pulling out his phone.

He handed it to me and I looked at the dirction. It was about 15 minutes away and the directions wasn't hard to follow. I gave it back and closed the door. I just sat there waiting for Logan to leave. When he didn't I rolled down the window.

"Yeah?" I said angry.

"You look nice." He said looking at the top of my breast.

I rolled my eyes and pulled up the window. I started the car and pulled off and he walked away. After a few minutes I stopped in front of the restaurant. I stepped out and looked at the long line of people waiting. It must be a up class place because all I saw was dress and suits.

"You must be Violet." A boy said coming to me.

"You must be Thomas." I said shacking his hand.

He had short red hair and glass and a little taller then me. He was skinny and awkward looking to me.

I started for the door and he walked with me. He talked with the man and then we sat down.

"So how long you been here?" He asked.

"Almost three weeks."

"How long you known Logan?" He asked smiling.

I felt like I didn't really know him at this point. One minute he doesn't like me next he's trying to fuck on a dresser.

"You like him don't you." Thomas asked smiling.

"How can you tell?" I asked wanting to know.

"When I said his name you got lost in a daze." He said slightly amused at it.

"I'm sorry." I said without thinking.

"You seem like a nice guy, you should be on a date with a girl that's interested in just you." I said sadly.

"It's okay, we can just say it's a friend date." He passes me a glass a filled it with wine.

I took it a sipped a little. It tasted good but I'm not into drinking and I'm driving tonight. I put it down and shorty after we order our food. He ate and talked, he was a really great guy. Everything I should want sweet, understanding, smart, honest and open minded. But all I could think of was Logan.

I checked my phone seeing it was almost 10:30. Time was moving fast and I was having fun but it was time to go.

"Ready?" Thomas said grabbing the bill.

I nodded and stood. He walked me to my car and hugged me goodnight. I watched him walk to his car then pulled off. I had a fun time with him, maybe it could be a second date.

I pulled up to Logan's house seeing Mason's and Rowan's car parked out front. I stepped out a knocked on the door. The door opened and Rowan stood in front of me.

"Young lady it's 10:56 it's passed you bed time." He wagged a finger at me.

I laughed and pushed him aside walking in. Everyone looked at me as I walked in.

"Looking sexy." Jessica said to me.

I blushed and they all laughted. I took the heels off and sat next to David.

"How was the date?" Mason said from the refrigerator.

I looked at how interested everyone was but mostly Logan.

"I had fun with Thomas." I said smiling.

"Really?" David said next to me.

"Yeah he was sweet, easy going and funny. I gave him my number so maybe he'll call." I said looking at Logan.

"Do you want him to call?" Conner said on the other side of me.

"I think I do." I said forcing back my blush.

"That's good." Leanna said walking out her bedroom.

She sat on my lap and I laughed. My phone buzzed on table and Logan grabbed it.

"It's you boyfriend, Thomas." He said clearly up set.

He slammed my phone down and walked out the room.

"What the hell is his problem? This whole dating thing was his idea, right?" Conner asked to me.

Everyone nodded there head as I answered the call.

"Hey." Thomas said.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"So I was thinking, maybe we can go out tomorrow night. Talk about how much you love Logan or other stuff." He sounded nervous.

"Tomorrow night sounds..."

Leanna stood walking to Davis when suddenly my phone was snatched from and I looked up.

"No she can't go out with you tomorrow, she has work." Logan snapped at him.

He hung up the phone and tossed it at me.

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