12. Heartbeats

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I looked at him in shock and the others did the same. He just looked at me and I looked back at him.

"How dare you!?" I yelled at him.

"I'm not going to let you skip work for some guy." He said almost yelling.

"The guy you set me up with remember? And your not my boss." I said standing.

He looked back at Mason then to me.

"You can have the day off." Mason said angry.

I picked up my phone and dialed Thomas number. Before it could ring Logan pulled it from me hanging up.

"Give me my phone!" I yelled at him.

"Come on Violet, one date with the guy and you're already turning into his personal slut." Logan said sarcastically.

"Cut the bullshit Logan." David said standing.

"It's fucking true, you meet him at 6 and you walk in at almost 11. What dumpster did he bend you over on?" He yelled.

"Fucking stop." Mason said walking to him.

"What ally did he fuck you in?" Logan yelled to me again.

"Shut the fuck up!" David yelled.

"Where did he cum in you Vi?" He yelled louder.

My body was heated my brain stopped working. I clinched my fist and swung hitting Logan in the mouth. He hit the ground and I charged for him. I pulled my hand back ready to swing again but Leanna grabbed me.

"Calm down sweetie." She said holding my arms down.

I struggled to get away put Jessica helped her to hold me still.

"I fucking hate you!" I yelled to him.

He just looked at me shocked at what happened. I pulled from the two girls and got my stuff. I walked out the house bare footed and angry. I could hear yelling from the house but I didn't go back. I got into my car and pulled off.


The next day I didn't go to work. I went to class, did my homework and showed my family around the town. My dad could tell something was wrong but I didn't tell him. Everything Logan said rang in my head and still pissed me off.

He calls me a slut but he wanted to bang me on a dresser earlier that night. I sat in the living room looking at T.V but clicked it off. I fixed my sun dress smoothing out the wrinkles.

"Hey honey." Mia said walking into the room.

"Hey Mia, everything okay?" I moved over so she could sit.

"No I'm fine but I can tell your having boy problems." She gave me a weak smile.

"No, the guy has the problem. I like him and he doesn't like me. He sets me up on a date with a nice guy then doesn't want me to see him again." I didn't want her to know anymore than that.

"Sounds like a boy. Do you want my advice or do you want to talk?" She asked as if she had the answers.

"No I just want to sit here." I said looking at my phone.

She patted my leg and stood walking out the room. Thomas texted me and I called him. The phone rung once and he answered.

"Hey, so tonight?" He said excited.

"Yeah, what time?" I asked smiling at how much he liked me.

"How about 7:00."

I looked at the clock, it was 6:09. I could get ready in that time.

"Sure, how should I dress?" I asked playfully.

"How about casual, let's go see a movie."

"Alright see you later." I hung up.

My phone was at 20 percent when I remembered I left it a Logan's house. I wasn't going there so I looked for David's or Leanna's number. I called Leanna but nothing, so I tried David. They must be together because that's the only time I can't get to them.

I tried calling Mason and thankfully he picked up.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello! Who the hell is this calling my husband!" Jessica yelled.

"Jessica it's me, Violet." I said laughing.

"Oh." She laughed to.

"I forgot my phone charger at Logan's house. Is Mason there? Or can you get it?" I asked hoping she could.

"Sorry Mason's at work and I'm with baby Justin." She said cooing the baby.

"Good thing is I can't get in contact with David or Leanna so they are at home. Those two are like horney rabbits. But if David's at home then Logan's at the store." She said laughing.

"Good." I said annoyed by his name.

"Okay bye babe." She said hanging up.

I grabbed my car keys and left. I passed the store and didn't look at it. I made it to the house and saw David's car but not Logan's. Thank God he was gone. I knocked on the door and David opened it with Leanna next to him. He just had on boxers and she had on bra and underwear.

"Come on guys." I said covering my eyes.

"Oh come in it's not like we're naked." David said pulling me in.

"How you holding up babe?" Leanna said giving me a hug.

I returned it and looked at her.

"Fine, haven't though about Logan once today." I said lying.

David grabbed Leanna around the waist pulling her to him.

"Great to see that you're okay, and I gave Logan that second punch for you." David said pulling Leanna into the room.

She giggled as he closed the door and I walked to the kitchen. I checked around but didn't see anything. I opened Logan's bedroom door and looked around. I stopped to think about where it could be.

I remember seeing it before Logan tried to have sex with me, so I know it's here.

"What are you looking for?" Logan said from behind me.

Anger filled my chest and I turned to face him.

"My phone charger." I said simply.

He walked to the dresser and pulled it open. He handed me my charger and I walked out. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey it's 6:43, where should I pick you up?" Thomas said.

Dame it I wasted so much time looking for this dame charger.

"I'm sorry I had to run out and lost track of time." I said sitting in a chair.

"Oh, that's fine. We could go out another time. I know your family is in town, plus work and school." He said happy.

"Thanks Thomas your very understanding. That's why I like you." I said laughing.

"So you do like me, I knew you would." He said laughing back.

"I'll call you later,bye." He said.

"Bye." I said in return.

I hung up and smiled at the phone.

"I though you liked me?" Logan said from behind me.

"I told you last night I hate you." I said turning to him.

"You didn't mean that, just like I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry Violet." He said walking closer to me.

His word were sad and my stupid heart felt sorry. Why the hell did I still feel this way about this jerk? I could do better, Thomas was better. He's nice and caring all that good stuff. He doesn't yell at me or push me. He's understanding and kind. He's not annoying and loud.

He's not...Logan.

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