CHAPTER 39: Home is where the power belongs

Start from the beginning

Gah! What was that for??

The teacher laughed and left us both. I look at Hiccup who was snickering at me. "What??" I snapped.

"Your face is red." He said.
My eyes widened and hit him on his shoulders. "I hate you!" I growled.

"Ow! Hey I'm just teasing you." He grinned.

Ugh! Why does he look cute while grinning??

I stopped hitting him and turn to the mirror, looking at the short skirt of my dress. Wouldn't my ************* will be seen with this short skirt I got?

"You look beautiful you know." Hiccup said. I look at him on his reflection and smiled a bit.
"Are you nervous? I can feel you are." Hiccup said and wrap his arms around me.
I rested my head on his chest as we stare at our reflection.
"Look at that, we look perfect, just like ham and cheese, ketchup and cheese, or bacon and eggs." Hiccup said.
"Ew! I hate eggs!" I flinch.

"Your allergic." He said.
My eyes widened of what I heard. I turn around and held his face close.
"What did you say??" I ask.
"I said your allergic to eggs, isn't it?" He asked.
A wide smile stretch on my face.
"You remembered!" I cheered.

Honk! Honk!

The train suddenly made a noise.
"We have arrived!" The train driver just announced.
"Were here!" I said excitedly.
I grab Hiccup's hand and we ran all the way to meet the others outside. We hop off the train and I went through the group of people and to look at the sight of Castrallia with a big smile.

But my smile went upside down when I see the horrible sight of the Castrallia which was suppose to be a paradise, which is now, it looks like an abandoned city on how it looks.

The plants were all dried out, no color flowing, no signs of life. The giant castle of Celestial was destroyed completely, and was covered with darkness.

"No signs of life or even just a hint of magic was flowing around here." Ruffnut said.
"She's right, the air was also a bit strange around here, its like, it was cursed or something." Fishlegs said.
"Do you think its a bit creepy around here?" Asked Tuffnut.

I look around, and I laid my eyes on something far away.

The school!

I quickly run to the direction of Celestine Academy. I can see the golden gates of the school. I pick up more speed and reached the gates. I tried opening them, but they were locked.

I stand back and blasted ice on it and the lock exploded into pieces. I quickly kick the gates open and ran I side. The doors went open as I step on the doorstep. I went inside and was surprised to see the bodies of the students. All of them were turned to stone.

I quickly searched for the person whom I needed to see this time. I searched through the statues of the students and finally, I found the one I'm looking for.

"Heather!" I said in shock to see my friend on the floor unconscious. I quickly pick her up and laid her on the chair. She wasn't turned I to stone, but she was barely breathing, her breath was short and it seems like she feels cold.

"Heather wake up!" I said. Heather tried her best to open her eyes, but she failed and just reached my hand.
"Y-you came back." She said weakly.
"Of course I did, I won't let you all in trouble, would I?" I ask her.

Hiccup and the others came and were shock to see those statued men.
"What happened here??" Asked Snotlout.
Hiccup ran beside me. "Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.
"No, I'm fine, but we should take Heather to the dorms, we have to take care of her." I replied.
Hiccup nodded and carried Heather up. Since he hadn't remembered the way up to the Pegasus dorm house. I lead him all the way up there.

When we reached the doors, a very strong energy suddenly stopped us from coming over.
"Wha??" I ask surprised. I place my hand out to touch it, and my hand just bounces back.

"T-There's a magical b-barrier that surrounds every dorm, and only the students that belonged to every dorm can enter." Heather said.
"How can we get in?" I ask.
Heather raised her head shakily, but managed to touch the barrier.

"Shifus Exaluim." She chanted. "We can get in now." She said.
I touched the magical barrier that's noe gone.
"Let's go." I said and opened the purple doors of the pegasus house. Hiccup laid Heather on a nearby bed and told him to get the twins and Snotlout to help her heal.

"Heather you will be okay soon." I comforted her.
She smiled and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I left Heather back there when the three people I ordered came. I went to the Dragon dorm house. The room was still fixed well. I take a peek on each rooms, since I haven't seen their rooms. All of their rooms were based on the element they belong and is we furnished, unlike mine, it was a disaster to see all the snow and ice I created.

I went outside to the balcony, and look all over the place to see all dark.
"I will take my revenge on you Guinevere.."

Dragons: Celestine Academy(httyd/hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now