BookLover14: It's me

TheKid: STOPP let me talk now

TheOnlyQueen: Just tell us what it is

TheKid: Okay, well do you guys remember that girl who is my friend that I really really like

CaptainGuyliner: Just say girlfriend, it makes you feel better about yourself

TheOnlyQueen: He will not say girlfriend, never in a million years! Not until I meet this girl

TheKid: Yes, yes good because you will be meeting her!

TheOnlyQueen: Ohhh will I.....

TheKid: Yes because she got a phone and I am going to add her to this conversation!!

TheOnlyQueen: Great! I can finally interrogate this girl!!


CaptainGuyliner: Well, lad of you need some advice I know my way around women

TheKid: The 200 year old pirate wants to give me advice on dating and girls

CaptainGuyliner: Hey, you don't have to listen but I mean I got your mother to fall for me


CaptainGuyliner: I meant the other mother

TheOnlyQueen: Oh, I knew that

Swan: Henry, you should really listen to him! He is great about making women to fall for him, in a good way though, like the kind of way that you love him and he loves you back, not just a like-like relationship, but an actual love relationship and you wish he would just come back to you and say that he loves you, but you can't because you turned him into a strong man would took out the darkness from himself for you and now won't fall back into it and now say things like 'I loved you'

SnowWhite: Wow.

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, I'm sorry for breaking your heart

Swan: But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore


CaptainGuyliner: It does tear me apart though, love

TheKid: Killian, are you going to give me girl advice or nawwww

TheOnlyQueen: He is not

CaptainGuyliner: Sure lad

MrDarkOne: This should be very interesting

BookLover14: I need some love advice

InDaHood: Then call Dr. Love

TheOnlyQueen: Awww is Dr. Love you babe?

InDaHood: I was gonna say Dr. Whale but you know I work too

TheKid: Killian please go

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #1 Do NOT seem desperate

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #2 get to know her first and ask her questions about herself and try not to talk too much about yourself unless she asks

TheOnlyQueen: You talk about yourself all the time

CaptainGuyliner: Aye, but that's just me personality and Emma knows that and that's also the way a pirate rolls

PrinceCharming: rolls down the toilet bowl

Swan: That's not funny dad

CaptainGuyliner: Rule #3 let the girl make all the decisions and let her be the dominant one in the relationship

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