My Irish Savior

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Mark's POV

With the crimson red liquid dribbling down from my nose onto my upper lip, and the throbbing of my head growing bigger and bigger, I still ran harder than I've ever ran in my life. And as weird as it sounded, I was smiling as I struggled to inhale and exhale properly with every stride I took. Sean. He was the reason why I was racing away from the scene as if an ax murderer was chasing after me. He told me to leave, and it wasn't because I was being some kind of pest or rude disturbance. It was because he cared. About me. And that changed my viewpoint of Sean for the rest of my life.

I was shy, I was mentally damaged, and I was alone, all because I was gay. Just because of that, I was more of a freak of nature than just some regular student who should be treated equally no matter what gender he was attracted to. Everyone tried their absolute best to avoid me, but just like all the other students in this school, I was there, and only because I had to be. I was in each of my classes everyday and I attended lunch like everyone normally did. I knew everybody was sick of me, they didn't give two fucks about the kid who was abnormal just because of his sexuality. The only way someone acknowledged me was if I did their late homework assignments for them. I was already good enough at disguising my own handwriting so I guess it didn't matter anyway. The lazy teenagers got their homework done, and I actually got paid for doing it. Otherwise, if my intelligence had nothing to do with the situation, I wasn't cared for at all, as usual. People shoved me in the hallway, shouting a 'Move, fag!' right before I dodged getting trampled by another moody seventeen year old. I got picked on endlessly for the stupidest of things; my glasses were too rectangular, I was too short, things like that. And of course, everyone's favorite way of picking on me; making fun of my sexuality. Just ridiculous things about me and half of them I couldn't even change. I always got beat up, too. Whether it was just a measly bruise or a full on black eye, every single punch that made contact with some area of my body hurt like hell, and broke me down far more than before. That's how I became the shipwreck that I am, that I was anyway. Everything changed one day when I was making my way back home from school.

I was minding my own business as I walked down the street from the high school, as per usual. I felt like crying my eyes out even though I promised myself I wouldn't do it. These two guys who went by the names Chris and Levi were messing with me all day today, and it took everything I had to get through it all without ending up breaking down like the big baby that I was. As I was lost in thought, all of a sudden, something hard hit the middle of my spine and I fell forward a bit, just barely keeping my books secure in my arms. I reached for the spot of my back it hit with one hand and groaned out once I touched the now sensitive area. I knew there was going to be yet another blue and purple bruise littering my delicate skin, and I just sighed. I turned to see a rock on the ground behind me, and looked up to see who the suspect was. My soft, brown eyes widened at the sight of Chris charging towards me with Levi tagging along behind him, both boys' arms filled with rocks. The rocks being the same type of rock that had been thrown at my back just seconds before. I immediately let my books fall from my tight grasp around them, not caring that my papers were most likely scattered out all over the place. I froze and watched as the next few rocks were beginning to be pelted at me. I heard their laughter and soon enough, I heard my own cries of pain as rock after rock hit different parts of my body, leaving an ugly bruise to form right after the heavy, but small, fragment of the Earth had hit my skin. More rocks were thrown, more evil laughter was heard, and more of my pathetic cries were heard. I couldn't have been more of a wreck at any moment other than the one moment going on right now. I had fell to the ground once a rock smashed into my face, knocking my glasses off my face as well as breaking them, and breaking my nose, I assumed. The pain was unbearable, and I had started to feel cool liquid start to drip out of my nostrils. I laid helplessly on the cold pavement as the rocks were scattered in various places all around me, and the two boys mocked away at the pathetic piece of garbage I was. I felt my eyelids become heavy, and I knew I was going to be unconscious anytime soon now, but just before I slipped away into the darkness, I heard heavy footsteps slamming against the pavement... and they were getting closer.

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