A Happy Ending

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Mark's POV

"Hey... I just wanted to check on you. You haven't been answering any of my texts and I was getting worried." Sean spoke to me through the other end. I paced my room as our phone call went on.

"Yeah, I just- I meant to respond, but uh, things have just been going a bit.. slow for me recently." I explain to him as I make different motions with my free hand even though he can't see them. I always use my hands to talk along with my voice.

"Oh... Well I hope things get back up to par for you soon. I don't want Markimoo feeling down!" he exclaimed cheerfully. I smiled faintly at his little response. God, was he adorable sometimes. I sighed and told him I had to go.

"Aw man, we just started talking though! I was hoping you'd be able to explain what's actually been holding you back lately..." he confessed with a quiet voice.

I chuckled softly, "Well I'd like to catch up on videos for my fans today. I promise I'll Skype you tonight when I'm done though, and I'll explain.. things.." I finished nervously.

You see, the thing was, Sean was the reason everything was going slow recently. My mind had finally caught up with my feelings and I knew I liked him, I just couldn't quite admit it yet. Tonight might be the very night that I'll do that, though.

"Oh, okay! That sounds good, I can stay up for you, anyways. It's not like I'll be going to bed early." his voice echoed out through my receiver. I smiled.

"Great. I'll talk to you then, Jackaboy." I said, trying not to laugh. I heard him giggle on the other end.

"I'll talk to you later too, Marky." he said happily, and we hung up.

I set my phone down on my bedside table and stood there for a moment, thinking. I ran a hand through my hair and let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding. Tonight was probably going to be the night I was going to come out with my feelings for him. I wasn't quite ready, but he didn't know so it's not his fault. I'll do anything for Sean, absolutely anything.


As I got closer to finishing my videos for the day, I grew more anxious about Sean and I's conversation that was going to take place. I wanted it to go smoothly so I was practicing how I was going to tell him in my mind

Sean, we've know each other for a while now...

No, no, not that one. God, this was going to be harder than the erection I get whenever he does something accidentally hot in front of me. And sadly, I can barely control myself whenever something like that happens.

As I finished up my last video, my hands begun to shake. I did my best at my outro and ended the video quickly. I ripped my headphones off and buried my face in my hands.

I was not ready for this at all, and I don't know why I even suggested talking about what's been going on. How was I supposed to tell him straight up that he's the reason I've been behind on things?

I took a deep breath and looked up at my computer. I exited the game I was playing and stared at the Skype icon for a long time. I finally gathered up enough courage to click it.

I scrolled through the names I had in there until I found Sean's. I had named him 'Jackaboy'. He said he had named me 'Markimoo' so I wanted to go along with the nickname thing that he was going for. I clicked his name without giving myself a chance to back out of doing it. His face immediately popped up and my breath caught in my throat.

He was wearing a new hoodie and one of his beanies that matched perfectly with it. He looked good, he always did in my eyes. I almost missed the part where he said hello because I was too busy admiring him. I noticed a slight blush grow on his cheeks. Dammit, I was staring too long!

"Oh! Uh, sorry I- I just... um.." I stammered out as I scratched the back of my neck, not really getting out something that made sense.

He leaned back in his chair and laughed. I almost lost it a little when I saw that he was hugging his knees close to his body as he was sitting in his chair. I managed a little laugh as he regained himself.

"I thought my outfit was okay but I didn't know it was that good." he said jokingly. I bit my lip and gazed down at the floor, not wanting to look him straight in the eye.

"You- uh, you look n-nice, Sean." I admitted as I felt my cheeks grow warm.

After nothing was said for a while, I looked up at him and found his cheeks were red as tomatoes as well. He was also studying the ground like I had been before. I looked at him for a while, absorbing everything about his appearance.

His scruff was just a tad more grown out than usual, it suited him well. I couldn't see them very well since he was looking away from me, but his baby blue eyes were just a clear as they have always been. Still as beautiful as they have always been too. The way he wore his beanie was too adorable. You could still see the front bit of his hair, but everything else had been swallowed up by the gray beanie on his head. And that new hoodie, I swear to God. The one he was wearing was definitely my favorite from now on. For some reason, grey looked very nice on Sean and there was never something that was grey that he couldn't pull off.

After a while of just staring at him, I had noticed that he had looked up at me now. I didn't know if he said anything but whether he did or not, I was getting this over with.

"Look, Sean. I don't know if you could already tell or not but I've got some crazy strong feelings for you. And since you were wondering, you were the reason I was falling behind a little." I blurted out. He looked at me for a second and soon enough, the widest smile I've ever seen spread across his face.

"Really?" he asked, a huge hint of hope in his voice. I smiled now, not afraid of this conversation anymore.

"Really." I nodded happily.

We ended up staying up all night until, like, 4:00 am for me, just talking about random things. Sean ended up confessing his feelings for me as well, and by the end of the conversation, we were boyfriends.

If felt good, y'know? Letting the guy that meant so much to me how I felt about him. I was nervous, but I'm glad I told him or else I probably would've never known that he liked me back.

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