Because of Him (Part 1)

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I'm leaving it up to you guys to figure out some stuff in this one shot. Also, there are some triggering mentions in this one shot such as dating abuse and rape. Please read with caution!

The door slamming in my face brought me back to reality. I wasn't dreaming this time. This wasn't one of the terrible nightmares I've had over and over again that left me with bags under my eyes from all the sleep I didn't get. He's actually left me now, and it was just because I became the man of the relationship for once and stood up for myself.

Our relationship was good, well, as good as it could be. I accepted him as being the dominate one and I didn't question anything he did. That is, until he wouldn't come home when he was supposed to some nights.

I would start to get worried and being the slightly protective boyfriend that I am, would leave him multiple messages asking him where he was. He would never respond. I would only know what he was doing when he would come home, drunk as balls and horny as fuck. He smelled like cigarette smoke, alcohol, and believe it or not, some other guy. Like, some other guy had marked his territory on him and it bothered me.. a lot. But I didn't ask him about it. I didn't really have time to anyways because as soon as he walked in the door he would have me shoved up against the wall and my pants already down to my ankles. I didn't call what he did to me 'rape' until I actually brought it up to someone in a conversation we were having.

The girl's name was Mary and she was so nice whenever we talked. I loved hanging around her, she was like a walking, talking ray of sunshine. I didn't have feelings for her seeing that I was gay, and she already had a boyfriend anyways. His name was Ken and he was one of my good friends. I wouldn't take her from him just like that, even if I was straight.

Anyways, Mary had asked if I wanted to come help her pick out some accessories she was going to use in one of her new cosplays she was planning on doing. I accepted the offer and went to go get ready. As I left to go meet up with her, he was passed out on the couch. He had come home late once again the night before and it didn't surprise me. He looked terrible and exhausted but he insisted we had a little fun before he went off to bed. I couldn't say no, he would've punished me in some way so I agreed reluctantly and he took over for the rest of the night.

I was a little tired this morning, he really wore me out last night, but I couldn't say no to Mary, I just couldn't. So I snuck past him and headed out to meet up with her.

We started some small talk as she raided the hair accessory aisle for headbands, hair clips, anything that she could use to complete the cosplay, really. She asked me how things were going with him and I said they were fine, nothing more. I couldn't let her know about how things were changing, he would kill me. She turned to look at me and I knew I had been caught.

"Mark, I know you're lying. What is he doing to you? How bad has it been?" she flooded me with questions. She had completely forgot about searching for the perfect hair accessory and that made me feel good that she had her full attention on me.

"He's just been coming home later, that's all. Nothing for me to get worked up about." I said, lying through my teeth. Only then when I thought about it did I realize that what he was doing to me was wrong. I shouldn't have let him stay out all the time, I shouldn't have let him come home in such a horrible state, I shouldn't have let him take control over me so easily. Before I knew it, I had told Mary everything and I was crying my eyes out into her shoulder in the middle of the hair accessory aisle.

Rethinking everything that had happened, everything that had led up to this made my head hurt even more than it did before. All the yelling that had went down had startled me nonetheless and both of our voices only grew louder. It gave me a headache and now I was slightly relieved to know he was gone and our yelling was no more. But I couldn't get away from my thoughts. I couldn't get away from the fact that I spilled everything out to Mary just hours before this all happened and that's the reason why this happened.

Mary had told me to be brave and to just tell him to leave me alone, to tell him that what he was doing to me wasn't right. She said that he might get angry with me and she said that was okay. I just had to brace myself for the punches he might throw. Thankfully no punches were actually thrown but our relationship was definitely thrown in the trash.

After I told him what Mary told me to tell him, he accused me of lying. He said I didn't mean what I said and that what he was doing wasn't wrong, he was just showing his love and affection for me. I knew him ripping off all of my clothes and fucking me until I could barely even walk - without my permission, may I remind you - wasn't him showing his love towards me. He was raping me and I was fully aware of it now. And you better believe I was pissed beyond belief about it. I started yelling at him, cussing him out and accusing him of every single god damned thing he did to me. I told him he would go to jail once I told the police about it. He deserved to know he was a criminal and he deserved to know he would spend most of his life, maybe even the rest of it behind bars.

He became just as pissed as I was and started yelling profanities back at me. I soon hated all the yelling we were doing. We wouldn't be yelling if he hadn't have gone out and done stupid things. I wish it could go back to the way it was when him and I could go out to fancy restaurants and have an amazing time. We didn't even have to make out, just being in each other's presence was enough. But he changed. He changed for the worse and it turned our lives totally upside down. Soon enough he quit yelling and told me something I never thought he would ever tell me;

"I'm leaving."

And with that he turned around and walked out, slamming the door behind him. That's how I ended up here. I just stared glossy eyed at the door, thinking that maybe if I wished hard enough, he would come back and not just so he could fuck me one last time before he left, but so he could say he was sorry. Say that he was sorry for ripping up half of the clothes I owned just so he could have access to my body quicker. Say that he was sorry for putting me in so much physical pain that I had to turn down another one of Mary's requests to go shopping with her because I couldn't even walk, I was so sore. Just say that he was sorry that things had turned to complete shit between us.

After about 5 minutes of just staring at the door I began to realize that he wasn't coming back for anything. I let the tears fall but my face showed no emotion at all. I dropped to the floor and soon enough my soft crying turned into loud sobbing. I still loved him for some reason and a part of me wanted him to come back and say that he loved me too. I knew he didn't though, at least not anymore. He just used me nowadays and I was able to finally figure that out.

After a while of just pouring myself out to no one but myself, I stood up and wiped the tears from my face. I knew going out to get drunk at some bar in town after I had just broken up with a rapist of a boyfriend probably wasn't a good idea but there wasn't anything else that I could think of that was better to do at the moment. So I grabbed my wallet and made sure my ID was inside since I knew I would need it and headed out the door he had just left me through.

As I made my way out onto the streets to look for a bar, I had one thing I was bent on doing, and that was to forget about him.

I was determined to completely erase Danny Avidan from my memory.

I needed the man who ruined my life for the better in the beginning, and for the worse in the end to be entirely forgotten about. And I was willing to do anything to forget about him, whether I was to consume way too much alcohol or meet an unexpecting Irish guy who would later on change this living nightmare into a heavenly dream that was surprisingly still my life.

To be continued...

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