Chapter 16 : Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

The housekeeper comeback with two cups of green tea, served us while we both watched her quietly , when she left Martha stated :

-All right, you can practice your religion as you wish in your room, you can do whatever you want in your room except bringing visitors in it; especially men, I'm a traditional woman, but that shouldn't be a problem now ?

-Oh, yes, I answered, surprised by her question, my cheeks felt red I turned my head to not look at her then continued : It should never be a problem.

-Ahhmm, there is also the food, tell the cooker what you like to eat and not so she will know what to cook for you, I take dinner by 8 o'clock every day.

-I can cook for myself .

-No darling, you don't have to, it's her job and she is very good at it, you will see. She stopped talking, took her cup of tea and drink a bit.

-Drink your tea Rahaf before it gets cold.

I nodded and done as she asked, we have agreed about most things except the payment, how can I afford to live in such place, where even my dinner will be prepared for me. This made me anxious, my expression changed .

-There is something else Rahaf, what's it that I forget ? Martha questioned not hiding her worriment, after noticing the change in my face

-Hmm, I hesitated a bit before I said : There is still the payment, clearly; this is your house so no rent to share, so how I'm going to pay you ?

-I have thought about that this evening, I figured you won't accept to live like that as a guest so I found a solution that hopefully will please and satisfy both of us.

That seems good, hopefully, I smiled happily knowing she won't ask much money, but what is this solution.

Martha cut my thoughts and declared :

-I need someone to type on the computer for me and it happens that you know how to use computers very well, I don't like typing much, I prefer to write with my own hands, but the text must be typed, so that will be like your mini job, your payment for living here, for your food and laundry, you don't have to do anything .

-But I can do that for myself.

-I know, but I have two maids, I'm sure that they can take care of two persons, beside it's their job not yours, so do you agree ?

-Yep, I answered with a wide smile on my face that reached my eyes, I finally found a home, Thank you Ya Allah : what will I type ? I asked excited to find out what kind of text will I be writing.

-My books, of course .

-Oh, so you're a writer, I said confused a bit.

Martha looked disappointed : yes, I'm , I have written many books, some were very successful, you never heard of me or read any of my books ?

-No, sorry , I apologized , still feeling guilty for not knowing her.

-It's fine, you're probably the first one who doesn't recognize me, and for the books, now you get to type it, so you will be the first one who read it.

-Woww! Never have I ever lived with an author or even met one in person and even less type their books !! I exclaimed happily feeling lucky .

-Everything has a first time, I suppose. She spoke

-Ahhmm, I nodded , still smiling then asked : what type of books you're writing ?

-It's crime book, I begin a trilogy a year ago, the first book is already published and it was very successful so I decided to continue the trilogy, we are going to play detective, she joked.

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