Sighing mentally, Katherine listened to their suggestion, wondering what this taboo could be. She uncertain whether to feel threatened or scared about the situation; she knew not whether she was indeed the key that could break the thin veil between worlds.

The thought of destruction alone frightened her, eyes almost looking at Hailey with a deep concern written all over her face; she knew not if Hailey would have tangled herself in the mess she has or will create.

How will she protect her if she herself knew not the power she holds?

If she was the key, would it not be much wiser to just kill herself? But if she did, she was certain that the faerie that stood next to her would grieve a thousand oceans over her corpse. It was not an option she was willing to take, but if the situation arrives, she would choose her life over hers – a sacrifice she was willing to make.

"I think you should look for answers elsewhere," Scott suggested as he got up and approached the screen door, "Now is not really the time to talk about this," he added as he opened the door, "By day break I would assume that the former huntress would want to take you far from here."

Art whistled, "Who better to smuggle them out than me?"

"Cocky isn't he?" Vivian scoffed, "I doubt he can do better than I did," then rolled her eyes, "He's just human after all."

Art chuckled and dawned a sly grin on his face, "A human with a sixth sense that can heal you quite clearly, senorita."

"Well, he has his own charms I guess," Zander shrugged as he turned to Hailey, who seemed to be lost in thought, "Child, go and rest," he spoke softly as Hailey turned to him with a smile ready to greet him, then nodded, "I shall see you in the morning whilst I try to gather information."

"Alas, I must depart too," Vivian announced as Scott vanished into the house, "I have other souls to greet and possibly dine with."

Katherine nodded, "We will see you later," then watched them vanish from their presence before she turned to Hailey, held her hand and said; "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just sleepy I guess," Hailey replied then walked past Katherine, who merely stared at her with worry, "I'm going to sleep ahead."

Art nodded, "Both of you should," then looked at Katherine as if telling her to, "Tomorrow will be a long day for all of you."

"Alright," Katherine responded as she tailed Hailey from behind. As they reached the edge of the stairs, she held her hand and made the blue haired teen turn to her with a hint of curiosity in her sleepy, dark amber irises. She gave her a small smile and pulled her into a warm hug before she kissed her cheek, then whispered softly against her ear; "Sweet dreams, fae."

Pulling away, Katherine disappeared into the living room and left Hailey standing there with a warm feeling inside her stomach. Taking a deep breath, she tried to expel the heat that has crossed her stomach that eventually rose to her heart; silently, she took hush steps back to the room and with each step, she heard her heartbeat hasten.

Beyond the curiosity and confusion, she was certainly happy. The words she let go in the other realm was true and her heart was much more honest than her body could ever speak; the kiss in the abyss was etched inside her head as much as the way Katherine looked when her soul was being sucked try of hope.

Never again does she want to see her friend turned crush, leave her life. She admits that she has strong feelings for the wolf, but she was scared that these feelings would one day betray her. She was not closed to the idea of two women falling for each other; it was not their fault that they fell in love with a person who just happens to be another woman.

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