All because of drugs

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I slowly get up as I release a breath and I grab my suitcase, then drag myself down the driveway. I look both ways to plan which way to go and I turn on my heels and start walking.


I fall onto a park bench and lean my head back, "just like old times, man, just like old times." I look up and light a cigarette, then rest my arms on my knees. I sigh out the smoke and pat my pockets for my phone, then scroll through the contacts. I hit call and wait for someone to answer.

"Qué pasa?"

I smirk and blow out the cigarette smoke, "aye, papi."

"Is this Rydley or is someone messing with me?"

"I'm the real deal. What's up?"

"Hanging out with Ace at the arcade. What about yourself?"

I lean back on the bench and take a hit of my cigarette, "nothing important," I blow the smoke away.

"Isn't Colton there? He said he was coming to visit you."

I shrug, "As far as I know, he kicked me to the curb."

Nick laughs, "don't say stuff like that, chica. Might come true."

I finish my cigarette and nod, "it did." I throw it on the ground and step on it while I blow the smoke out.

"Oh, damn; I'm sorry. What happened?"

I shake my head and scoff as my foot drags itself around in the dirt, "just didn't work out."

"You always got me and Ace, baby," I hear Nick smile and Ace in the background, "Ace wants to know when you're coming back to Colorado?"

I smirk, "not for a while. I don't have a ride."

"I'll visit you, then. Ace and I can load up the pickup and drive our way to sweet tea and cornbread, then gain ten pounds," he laughs.

I smirk, "I haven't had sweet tea or cornbread since I got here."

"Hey, I gotta go. I'm fixing to lose signal. I'll call you later, though."

"See ya," I hang up and lean my head back. I close my eyes and my phone rings, that was fast; I clear my throat and answer the call, "that was fast."

"What was?" 

It's a different person on the phone and I look at the caller ID. No name. "Who is this?"

"Alec. What's up?"

I groan, "you've caused me enough trouble, so whatever you're going to talk to me about, no."

"Wait! Sam and I are going to a fight club and you should come."

"Fight club?" I look at the sky while emitting air.

"Yeah, it's cool. I've been there a couple of times. Where are you? I'll pick you up."

"Stokes Park."

"Alright, cool, I'll be there in a second."

I hang up and roll my eyes while sticking a cigarette in my mouth and lighting it. I take a hit, then breathe out the smoke. 

I get up and stuff my suitcase in a bush, so no one will steal it and I walk to the end of the park and look out for Alec. 

I flick the ashes of my cigarette on the sidewalk near my feet and slowly bounce in place, "c'mon, man."

I hear a motorcycle in the distance and I look down the street for Alec and he comes rolling down. He slows down and stops at my feet, "looking good, sticky fingers."

I raise my eyebrows while I take another hit of my cigarette, "where's your one night stand?" I blow out the words and smoke.

"She's meeting us there, so let's go," Alec hands me a helmet, "I know you liked my motorcycle."

I smirk and get on his motorcycle while putting on the helmet, "let's roll."

He nods and starts his cycle.


I hand Alec his helmet and look at the building, "have you fought in there before?"

He gets off his motorcycle and lights a cigarette, "a couple of times."

I nod and follow Alec in. The place reeks of sweat and alcohol which smells like home. 

Alec pushes through people to get to the table that Sam's at and he falls into a chair, "good spot."

I smirk as I pull a chair out from another table, "I'm surprised you even got in here, Sam. You look like something a seven-year-old girl would have on their wall."


"You look too sweet."

"At least I'm not a cokehead," she smiles at me.

I scoff, "ouch."

Alec jumps in with a pointing hand, "if that bet's still going, my money is on Rydley," he looks at Sam and shrugs, "sorry, babe."

"Is that why you brought me here? So, you could see us fight?" Sam crosses her arms and glares at Alec.

"Actually, no. I wanted to come here because I can."

Sam rolls her eyes and looks off into the distance.

I frown and interlock my hands together as I think of Colton. I wonder if he left already? I look at Alec and nudge him, "have you seen Colton?"

He shakes his head, "not since you two split. Why?"

I frown more and lower myself to the table, "just wondering."

"So, what happened?"

I look up and lean back slowly while exiting a breath, "he kicked me to the curb because he 'couldn't help me', Mona told me not to come back and my grandparents kicked me out, so now, I'm crashing on a park bench till I can find a place to go."

"All because of drugs?"

I nod, "all because of drugs."

Yay! I finally updated! It feels like I haven't updated in years. My week has been crazy, but so far everything is going well((::: but, yeah, enough about me.

Question 1: Any thoughts on where Rydley could stay?

Question 2: What would you do in the situation?

Question 3: Plans for Halloween? 

***HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO understand_life ***

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