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I'll never forget the night we left New York City, the Kraang defeated us, Leo and Anna got badly hurt, Splinter and Ariel are gone, we lost. We had nowhere left to go, so we came to the cabin and the farmhouse me and April grew up in miles away from the city, a place we can all be safe in. The first thing we did was take care of Leo and Anna.
Elsa kept a constant visual over Anna, waiting for her to wake up.
Merida practices her target skills and gets stronger each day.
Rapunzel built a healthcare robot named Baymax, hopefully to heal Leo and Anna. Stitch helped Casey with cars.
And then there's me, Lilo Peelki. I spent most of my life training with the big four and writing in my journal. I miss New York, my teacher, my sister. Hopefully Leo and Anna will recover and we could all go home soon if there's even a home to go back to. But life as Ariel would say
'Must continue on.'

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