Chapter Nineteen

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"Don’t try to get out-"

"Let me guess, special unbreakable ropes from Germany," I told whoever it was, without even looking at them. There was a stunned silence before he answered.

"Yeah, how did you know," he asked

"Just a guess," I sighed. I looked at him then and this time I was silent. He had to be the hottest guy I had ever met...hotter than Kyler; and that was saying something. He had the purest black hair I had ever seen and his skin was evenly tanned. He had strong facial features and dazzling blue eyes, his fitted black t-shirt hugged his toned muscles.

I knew I was gawking like an idiot so I pushed all of my hormones down as far as they would go and buried them for the time being.

"What’s your name?" I asked.

"Blade," he answered. The sound of his voice almost sent shivers down my spine.

"Wicked name," I complimented.

"Yours?" he wondered.



"Yeah not really. I have a question though," I said.


"What is it with you hostages and these freaking uncomfortable chairs?" I asked, shifting on the hard metal.

"You could ask me anything and you choose to ask about the chairs?" he exclaimed. I nodded. "And why did you say that in plural?" he questioned. I laughed.

"Oh you didn't hear? I was taken from one hostage situation and put into another. Really it’s rather entertaining," I explained.

"Is that why you’re all black and blue?" he wondered.

"Nope," I said popping the p. "I got hit by a bus," I told him sarcastically. He chuckled a bit, a sound that made me happy even though I didn't know why. I studied the room around me; this one, instead of being black was white and dingy. "But seriously Blade, I'm pretty sure my ass is going to fall off," I told him honestly. This time he really laughed and it was music to my ears.

"How can you be so calm about this? I've had to play guard with more than one hostage and they are all either scared shit-less, pissed and angry, or refuse to talk," he stated and I sighed.

"Wow, so basically you spend your time babysitting baby's, immature children and mutes? I'm so sorry," I said sincerely, not waiting for a response. "So what do you guys want from me?" I asked. "Oh and how long have I been out?" I added.

"Well I’ve been here for like 5 hours so probably about seven and I think your here because you know Kyler and apparently he’s the one with the microchip...that's just what I was told," he summed up.

"Nice....I didn't think he would get it," I mussed. Again Blade laughed.

"So, you did know about the microchip?" he questioned. I gave him a Duh look.

"Of course I did. I'm a freaking genius," I stated seriously.

"Well, I agree with that. You tricked Bruno into thinking you were simply bait who knew nothing...not many people can do that. What else do you know?" he asked.

"I know that I haven't eaten in what seems like forever, this chair is worse than the last one, I hurt so bad I might just pass out and the last guy they sent in who asked me that question ran out of the room crying...just saying," I said.

"What did you do to make him cry?" Blade asked amused.

"Talked to him."

"Wow, impressive. Who was holding you hostage?" he questioned. I thought hard, trying to remember the name.

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