Chapter 33: The MTV Night - Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

I saw everyone besides Izzy. All the people that had just performed pilled into the room, but no Izzy. But then from the darkness emerged Axl running off from onstage. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing that Axl suddenly made eye contact with me since as the last time he saw me was with my bare butt to him.

"Melanie!" Axl beamed and waved.

Hey, look at that he remembered my name.

"Did we nail it?" He asked, grinning away.

"Yeah, pretty good dude," I smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "but do you know where Izzy disappeared to?"

"Yeah... he was right behind me..." Axl trailed off as he turned around and searched for him.

"He always does this all the time. He disappears too easily. Promise me you'll buy a lead and attach it to him, and never let go?"

"If I do that I'll have to teach him tricks as well," I replied making a lame joke.

Axl grinned and let out a few laughs until his expression changed in a split second, and he pointed over my shoulder.

"Got him. Izzy!" Axl yelled loudly, actually hurting my ears slightly.

I turned around and saw Izzy walking towards us looking exasperated.

"Where the fuck did you go, man? I've been looking all over for you." Izzy complained, staring at Axl, as he wrapped one arm around my waist.

"Well, where the fuck did you go? We've been looking for you, you dipshit." Axl laughed.

Izzy just shook his head and eventually he looked down at me.

"Enjoy the show?"

"Yeah, it was pretty good, but I could hardly see you," I said raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, so my plan worked. Brilliant."

"You blend in too well." I mumbled as I rested my hand on his chest, and I felt Izzy rest his chin on the top of my head.

I looked at Axl looking at us and he had a kind of content face. Almost as if he was looking at us in a loving way either thinking (and I feel egotistical by saying this) that the two of us looked good together, or he was observing how Izzy was showing mild signs of affection towards me, in public.

"Hey look, guys, it's our bro coming up." Axl motioned to someone behind us with a flick of the head.

Izzy turned around and that's when everything suddenly slowed down immensely; it was like the world had transformed into slow motion.

I stuck my head around Izzy's body to see an enraged looking Vince Neil storm up towards us. He was glaring at Izzy and his fists were balled up, and in one smooth action one arm raised.

"Hey, Vin-"

Izzy was immediately cut off when Vince's raised hand swiftly made contact with Izzy's face, making a solid 'thwack' sound, and I felt its impact shake through his body into mine. Izzy let go of me instantly and his light body collapsed to the floor as Vince stood over him.

"You think you can touch my fucking woman like that? Huh, do ya? Well, you've got another thing coming, you piece of shit." Vince spat and he prepared himself ready to kick Izzy in the stomach.

"Come on, you motherfucker!" Axl suddenly roared beside me as he leapt towards Vince with his hands around his throat.

There was suddenly a swarm of people that rushed to Axl and Vince, trying to pry them apart as they were spewing profanities at each other. Everyone was watching and pointing, as well as muttering about some serious observations. I was standing there like a stunned mullet not having a fucking clue what to do. Izzy was on his hands and knees by my feet while just about a half a meter away from me there was a wild punch-up. What a casual, everyday situation.

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