He released the hold he held on Ashton's hand with one hand and brought it up to the older boy's hair. It was dirty and tangled, but Luke still ran his fingers through it and felt some kind of relaxation when the feeling the familiar touch.

"I love you," he whispered and ran his hand through Ashton's hair to then drop the hand down to Ashton's cheek, "I love you so much"

Luke took his hand away when he heard someone open the door. I leaned back on his chair and let Ashton be untouched as he watched an unfamiliar nurse enter to room.

"Good morning" she said softly and smiled over to Luke before walking over to Ashton and checked all the machines and tubes.

"Morning" Luke answered simply, because there wasn't a 'good' morning today.

Luke watched in silence as the nurse checked on Ashton's wounded stomach. He grimaced slightly when seeing the scar down Ashton's lower stomach after the hours long surgery his father did to keep Ashton alive.

"I know it doesn't look very pleasant, but the stitches and the scar looks fine, which is small sign for a hopefully good recovery" the nurse spoke and looked up at Luke with another small smile.

Luke nodded his head and sighed quietly before grabbing Ashton's hand again and studied the older boy's still face.

"Are you talking to him?" the nurse asked and Luke looked at her hesitantly before nodding his head.

"Yeah," he whispered and looked down at Ashton again, "But it hurts because he never answers"

The nurse checked one of the machines and sadly nodded her head in understanding before keeping quiet.

"Can he hear me?" Luke asked quietly and got the nurse's attention back.

She hummed and furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "I honestly don't know. It's hard to know since some people say they heard people and other said they didn't"

Luke sighed and nodded his head as he brought Ashton's hand up to his cheek to feel that familiar touch against his face.

"But that doesn't mean he doesn't hear you," the nurse said and again, "There's nothing for you or him to lose if you keep talking to him. You show him that you are here and that you will be. It's comforting for him and it's good for you as you spend all this time with him"

Luke gave her a small thankful smile, which she returned, before she got back to check everything up. She then took the paper hung by the end of the bed and scribbled some medical things down before making her way out of the room.

"Can I ask you something before you leave?" Luke spoke up and the nurse stopped to turn and look at Luke again.

"Of course"

"Do you think - and please be honest now - that he'll ever wake up?" Luke asked in a small and broken voice, making the nurse and breathe out heavily at the strong question.

"It looks better than yesterday, but not far as good as a real improvement. Right now I don't know, nobody knows," she said and Luke's heart broke, "But with a supporter like you by his side, I think he has a lot stronger chances of waking up than he would if he didn't have you"

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