Life Hack: Don't Piss Me Off

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Nathan walks in front of me and I follow him to a table that's almost dead center of the cafeteria. When he takes his seat everyone at the table says hi to him. I awkwardly take the seat next to him earning weird looks from four of the other seven people at the table.

"Can I please just got to the library as I always do?" I whisper to Nathan.

"No, no you can't." He mutters back.

"I hate you." I mutter shooting him a short glare.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet my friend Alexis." He says.

"Uh hey." One of the guys says.

"Alexis this is Josh, Marc, Kendra, Sarah, Kate, Paisley, and that's Zach." Nate introduces them one at a time.

"Hi." I mutter with a quick wave. Kendra and the other girls give me funny looks that make me uncomfortable.

"So, how did you meet Nate?" Kendra asks me.

"He came and talked to me on my first day and we have health class together."

"That's neat. Do you have a boyfriend?" Sarah asks.

"Uh no, my boyfriend and I broke up right before I moved here." I say.

"What does he look like?" Kate asks.

"I think I can find a picture somewhere." I say scrolling through some of my older instagram pictures. I should probably delete those.

"Kate you sho-"

"That's him from like... a year and a half ago maybe? I forget." I say pointing him out in a picture with me Marcy, Jason, and Andrew.

"Who are the others?" Paisley asks.

"The others are my three best friends." I smile.

"Did he dump you?" Kendra asks.

"Kendra!!" Josh says.

"What?! I mean this guy is seriously sexy, why would she break up with him? It had to be-"

"Kendra shut the fuck up." Zach groans.

"Kendra maybe you should be a little nicer to the new girl." Paisley says.

"I'm sorry about her, she's not always like this." Zach says.

"I can speak for myself Zach." Kendra glares at him.

"So Alexis, how long have you been here?" Marc asks.

"About three months." I say.

"You liking Beverly Hills so far?" He asks.

"Yeah it's a pretty nice place from what I've seen." I shrug.

"It's even awesomer in the summer when all the amusement parks are open late and the carnivals come to town." Zach says.

"I can't wait, although I'll probably only spend half my summer here." I say.

"Why?" Sarah asks.

"My friends and dad live in Maryland and I'll probably be going back to spend some of the summer with them." I shrug.

"Aren't you going back there for your birthday though?" Nathan asks me.

"Yes, yes I am, but after seeing them pretty much everyday for like majority of my life a few months is too long without them."

"When's your birthday?" Zach asks.

"It's April sixteenth." I say.

"You stole my month." Zach pouts.

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