Weirdest Day Ever*

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"Well that's quite a story, how old are these boys again?"

"Well Brandon is nineteen, I guess him and Michael go to the same college, somewhere here in Beverly Hills actually."

"You mentioned Ryder butting in." She prompts.

"Oh that, while I was down here talking to the other movers Ryder had been pelting pebbles or something at my window to get Brandon to open up the window. So when I went back up to check on the crippled boy in my room Ryder is saying god knows what to him and when I ask what's going on Ryder starts going on about how there shouldn't be a nineteen year old in my room since you weren't home, how he knew that I don't know, so he basically accused Brandon of being a sexual predator or something even though it was clear that he wasn't going to do anything."

"Sounds like Ryder was showing concern for you."

"I barely know him, that's not acceptable." I shake my head.

"Yeah, okay sweetheart." She laughs taking our plates to the kitchen.

"I'll be in my room if you need me!" I call to her skipping upstairs.

"Say hi to Ryder for me!" She calls back.

"I'm not opening my window to that prick! I refuse to put myself through the torture of listening to him talk Not even for you Mel." I shout to her as I go to my room. Once in my room I call Andrew.

"Hey Cali girl."

"Okay so one I got a picture of the mover boy, his name's Brandon by the way." I say.

"Send it. Right now."

"Okay okay." I chuckle sending it to him. "Alright it's sent." I say a moment later.

"I thought you said he wasn't drop dead gorgeous."

"I did say that Andy." I laugh.

"You lied to me! He is damn fine!"

"Alright Andy. So what'd I miss?" I ask.

"Oh nothing really, just the hugest catfight ever! Marcy almost clawed that bitch's eyes out! You should have seen Gabrielle's face!"

"Oh my god! Tell me you recorded it!"

"Hell yes I did, I'll send it to you."

"You better, now tell me what happened?"

"Okay so when Gabrielle found out you had moved to Beverly Hills she started saying all type of shit about you and Marcy was LIVID! She lunged at her so fast sonic would've been impressed. Man that was hilarious. Then Adrian tried to punch her so of course Jase jumped in so it almost turned into an all out brawl when some of Adrian's football jerks tried to step in but Jase's soccer buddies were ready for that and of course I got the whole thing on my lovely little cell phone up until the principal stopped the whole thing so needless to say, Jase and three of his soccer friends got suspended along with Adrian, Gabrielle, Marcy, and some of Adrian's bonehead football dummies."

"I've been gone for one day and already so much has happened!" I sigh.

"You should've been there man!"

"If I had been there it wouldn't have happened." I point out rolling my eyes. I lay down on my bed with my head dangling off the edge looking towards my window upside down.

"Good point! Well you get to see it as if you were here because my recording skills are so on point, you get to hear every scream insult and grunt from each person! It was so crazy."

"I bet it was." I laugh.

"So Cali girl, how was your day?"

"Well my day wasn't too bad."

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