The Devil's Sister Is An Angel*

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I don't still play with dolls but I never bothered to give away my old ones so they've been sitting in a box in my closet, lucky for me or else this seven year old angel wouldn't have anything to do. She has long hair the same brown shade as Ryder's and wide curious blue eyes.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to change out of this dress. The dolls and everything else they come with are in these boxes help yourself." I tell her.

"But you look pretty in the dress, like a princess, right Ryder?" She turns to her brother who is standing in the doorway.

"You're right Melody, she does look like a princess." Ryder says looking at me.

"See Ryder agrees with me. I like the dress." Melody says.

"Thank you, but I won't be able to play dolls properly in this dress." I say avoiding Ryder's gaze.

"Fine." She pouts. I grab my jeans and t-shirt and go into my bathroom and lock the door. It takes me five minutes to get out of the dress and into my more comfortable jeans and shirt. I slip on fuzzy socks before going to join Melody playing dolls.

"I'm back." I say hanging the dress in my closet.

"Hi." Melody says.

"What are you playing?" I ask squatting next to her in front of the castle.

"Princesses! Ryder come play with us!" She says to him.

"No thanks." He smiles.

"But we need a king! I'm the princess, she's the queen, you play king!" She argues.

"Okay okay, I'll play king." He says. I hand him the 'king' doll.

"Yay! Alexis, Ryder's going to play with us!" She claps.

"Great." I smile at her.

"My name is Christi, yours is Elizabeth, and Ryder you're Damien."

"Here ye here ye! I do declare on this day that my beautiful princess doth need a prince to be wed with!" Ryder says in a funny voice. Melody and I laugh.

"She doth not! She is but fourteen years old! I refuse to marry off my daughter at fourteen." I jump in using a funny accent as well.

"And why not? Your sister was married at fourteen."

"Yes and I hated that some man was taking my sister away from me so young. I refused to be married off."

"I don't want my daughter breaking the same traditions you did because you are stubborn."

"If not for my stubbornness she wouldn't be here seeing as you wouldn't have met me. I want to raise my daughter until she is of legal age as my parents did me, and that is final." I say with a hmph.

"But it's tradition!"

"Some traditions are meant to be broken, in my eyes this is one."

"Mother! Father! I'm back from school." Melody jumps in.

"Hi sweetheart, how was school." Ryder turns his doll to face Melody's.

"It was fun! We finally began learning to ride horses! It's so much fun!" She beams talking as her doll. I giggle a little.

"That was always my favorite part of school too. Tell me all about it honey." I say to her.

"It was hard at first, I fell off a couple times because I hadn't been holding the reigns but I did get the hang of it after a few tries, it's so much fun! Mommy can I get a horse?"

"Of course you can sweetheart." I smile at her.

"Yay! I'm going to do my homework now." She scurries up the stairs.

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