Worst. Surprise. Ever, Mr. Black.*

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After finishing the rest of my classes I grab my books and get ready to walk home. About halfway through my walk home a motorcycle pulls up next to me. It takes me a few minutes to realize the guy on the motorcycle was Ryder.

"Hey Alexis." Ryder says. I adjust my bag on my shoulder and keep walking.

"You know you skipped detention right?" Ryder asks.

"Shit." I mutter to myself remembering that Mr. Andrews had given me a detention.

"You forgot?" Ryder gasps.

"Ryder fuck off." I roll my eyes.

"Okay that was rude!" He exclaims.

"Yeah well you're getting on my nerves." I huff.

"I'm sorry okay? I figured something was wrong when you of all people didn't show up to detention after being given it."

"Look I forgot okay? It isn't even that serious, it's not like Mr. Andrews is gonna check." I shrug because I really can't be bothered to give a fuck.

"Wanna ride?" He asks.

"No thank you. I can walk just fine." I say.

"No need to get all defensive. It's gonna rain soon and I doubt you'll be home in time if you walk." He says. I look up at the dark clouds and sigh.

"Alright..." I say hesitantly. He stops the bike.

"What're you waiting for Lex? Get on." He says. I roll my eyes in response.

"Okay." I mumble.

"Are you scared of the damn thing? You were just fine last night."

"I've been on plenty of times, my cousin has one, rode it everywhere until he got into an accident with me on the thing, my parents freaked out so much." I say slowly.

"Were you hurt?"

"Besides a broken arm and a few scrapes I was perfectly fine, I mean Bennett got it worse than me, a car hit us from the side, he got three cracked ribs, a broken leg, dislocated his shoulder, twisted his ankle and fractured something in his wrist." I shrug.

"I promise we won't crash just get on." Ryder says. I roll my eyes but sit on the bike behind him.

"Hold tight Alexis." He says as he starts the bike. I wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his back like Bennett showed me a couple years ago. It takes us five minutes to get our neighborhood give or take a couple. When Ryder stops the bike in front of his house I get off.

"Thanks." I say quickly before going to my room. When I get there and open my window Ryder is looking over at me.

"We need to practice the play for English class." He says.

"Well call Tyler and Valentino and find out when they can do it, any day this week except tomorrow."

"Why not tomorrow?" He asks.

"Because I'm busy." I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Doing what?" He counters.

"I do have other things to do for other classes Mr. Black as well as you know a social life." I cross my arms and cock my head to the side.

"You mean the health project?" He asks.

"Yes, Nathan and I agreed to work on it tomorrow." I nod.

"Why'd you pick alcohol abuse?" He asks.

"First thing that popped into my head." I shrug.

"You're lying." He deadpans. What the fuck?

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