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A/N: Sooo this is chapter is literally just Alexis telling Max about... everything, like if you just skip this entire chapter trust me you won't miss a thing, just that she's talking to Max at midnight, I mean if you want you can read it but I won't make you, it's very skippable... KAY BYE



Around midnight my phone rings waking me up. I blindly reach for it and answer the call.

"Hello?" I mutter

"Hey Lex did I wake you up?"

"Max?" I sit up.

"Yeah sorry to call so late this is like the only time I have to call you."

"No it's fine, what's up?" I ask

"Man I've been so busy with everything, you made it Cali okay right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, dad's living with uncle Marcus because I was worried he wouldn't be alright alone, I check in with them every week or so." I say

"Dad's okay?"

"Yep, perfectly clean, he got promoted actually."

"Nice, so how's Cali?"

"I have so much to tell you! Like on my first day here my neighbor woke me up with super loud music at six thirty! And has almost every freaking day since! But on my first day I got ready and such then I went to school got my schedule and had a relatively boring day except for this Nathan guy who tried to talk to me at lunch oh and the revelation that said annoying neighbor is in six of my seven classes plus lunch! But anyway then I got home and had a little, interaction with him because he was watching me unpack so I asked him if he found something funny and he said you have no idea who I am do you as if he's a drug lord or something that like I should be scared of him! So I of course responded that he's Ryder Black, since that's his name, my annoying neighbor who thinks it's okay to play really loud music at six thirty in the morning then he asked if it bothered me and I asked back if it would make him stop if I said yes and he said no so I told him not to bother asking and shut the window. Then the doorbell rang so I went to get it and it was the movers. So we spent the next hour plus putting stuff in my room right then I said hey mover boy smile for the camera took the picture we talked a little, turns out he goes to college here in Beverly Hills he's nineteen, at some point we were arguing over whether he was a boy or a man and he proceeded to tickle me when I refused to agree that he was a man which resulted in my foot colliding with his shin in my struggle to escape his fingers and so while I was sorting shit out with the other movers turns out the next door prick was throwing pebbles or some shit at my window to get his attention. So when I went back up to check on the boy in my room Ryder is saying god knows what to him and when I ask what's going on Ryder starts going on about how there shouldn't be a nineteen year old in my room since aunt Mel wasn't home, how he knew that I don't know, so he basically accused Brandon of being a sexual predator or something even though it was clear that he wasn't going to do anything. God he's so annoying! Anyway the other day I got detention for listening to music on my way to class, but in detention his friends were getting on my nerves and Ryder had hijacked my journal and was holding it hostage so around midnight I went into his room which is super messy and to get the journal I had to reach over him and in his sleep he grabbed me and I ended up on top of him which probably woke him up and when he woke up he asked me why I ask in his room and on top of him at midnight and my mind kept screaming distract him enough for you to get away so I don't know where this idea came from but I kissed him don't freak out it wasn't serious, so after a while I told him goodnight and slipped out of his room through the tree and into mine, oh and earlier yesterday I went shopping with these guys Michael and Brandon-"

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