Playdate With Melody*

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"What happened? You look mildly upset." Andrew says.

"Ryder was being nosey." I huff. I hear something hit my window and I turn towards the window to see Ryder holding a sign. 

I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to make you upset :(. It reads. I get some paper and write a note of my own.

"Hang on a second." I tell Andy Marcy and Jason.

"Are you going to talk to him again?" Jason groans.

"No, I'm going to hold up a sign because I'm not opening my window again." I say holding up the sign.

"What does it say?" Marcy asks.

"Mine says 'quit throwing rocks at my window!'" I tell her closing my blinds and curtain.

"ROCKS?!" Jason exclaims.

"Yes, this is the second time he's thrown pebbles or rocks or stones or whatever the fuck he has in his room at my window."

"Why does he have them in his room?" Marcy asks.

"I don't have a clue!" I sigh.

"Okay so what was going on?" Andrew asks.

"Okay so I asked him what he wanted and he said he was only going to say I'm an awesome cook, and that I should make him food some time so I said I won't and so he asked why not so I was like maybe because you annoy me, yeah that's a good reason then he was all you are so rude so of course I came back with this from the boy who stole my journal and when I told Andy to shush because I was talking he asked who is Andy so I told him it was none of his business and when I told Andy I was talking to my neighbor he was like your neighbor has a name so I said yeah yeah I know but that's not relevant and when I told you guys to assume I'm talking to him unless I said a name he asked who I was talking to so I said friends back in Maryland, not that it matters so he was like we have a conversation to finish, which is when I said I still don't see why we have anything to talk about, you got duped! I kissed you but it wasn't for my enjoyment, believe me, and so he asked why he should believe me and so I told him that the only other option would have been to punch him in the face, but that he would most likely have yelled or something drawing attention, enough for his mom or sister to come into the room and that he should imagine having to explain to them why there's a girl in his room sitting on top of him at midnight so he started saying something else then so I asked, why do he cares so much anyway? And told him it was just a kiss and he was acting like I tied him down and gave him a blowjob then I told him it was not that serious because I was like seriously getting annoyed and so he was like you're right, it isn't serious, and it won't happen again so I said I already said that Ryder! Now quit bothering me! I'm trying to talk to someone then he was all like you mean Aaaandyyy, and he didn't look like he meant it in a teasing way, almost angry so I said yes I mean Andy, what's it to you then he was all like oh nothing, although he may be interested to know that your friends are in college so I asked him why does it bother you so much that I'm friends with Brandon and Michael-"

"Which reminds me, we need to talk about Brandon and Michael." Marcy interrupts.

"Yeah we will after this, anyway so he was like who the fuck is Michael? I thought the one in your room was Brandon, so I say that it was Brandon, his friend Michael came to pick him up later, I'm friends with both of them, then I told him that's not the point, and that point is why it bothers him, and he said maybe because they're over eighteen and you're not at this point I was considering climbing over to his window to slap the shit out of him but I said they're the same age as Max and that I can defend myself just fine but if something were to happen that Mel would probably chop off their fingers one by one-"

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