From Parties To A Paint Wars*

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After spending all of twenty minutes in my closet I decide on a royal blue cocktail dress and silver heels. I throw my hair over one shoulder and put on red lipstick and silver eyeshadow. I grab my silver clutch and go over to my window to get my phone off the seat when something hits my window. I go over and open the window.

"Where are you off to?" He asks.

"My aunt's boss is having a banquet for his son tonight, and apparently I have to go." I shrug grabbing my phone.

"How old is the son?"

"Mel says he's turning seventeen." I roll my eyes.

"I think your aunt is playing matchmaker."

"I think I'm going to strangle her if that's the case." I huff.

"Oh no! Don't do that!" He gasps. I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"I don't want to meet her boss's son!" I groan.

"Just remember to be polite, Alexis. The night won't last forever."


"Annnd that's my cue to leave, I'll see you later."

"Have fun!" He says.

"I doubt it." I say shutting the window. He shoots me a thumbs up and I laugh and shake my head before going downstairs.

"Let's get this over with." I sigh.

"You better be nice tonight Alexis." Mel warns me.

"Yes ma'am." I nod.

"I'm serious Alexis."

"I know you are, I'll be on my best behavior. I promise." I say as we get in the car.

"Good." She says. The car ride there is fairly short and we soon arrive at the banquet hall. Just remember to be polite Alexis. The night won't last forever. Ryder's voice says in my head. I take a deep breath and follow Mel into the building.

"The party is upstairs." She says going to the elevator. I follow silently as we arrive at the room where the banquet is held. When we get inside I look around and no familiar faces. Mel walks off with one of her coworkers and so I go over to the bar in the corner to sit down.

"Aye little chica? What're you doing here?" A voice says behind me.

"Valentino?" I ask shocked.

"Si soy yo." He nods sitting next to me. 'Yes it's me'

"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" I ask him 'What are you doing here?'

"Mi papá es un amigo del chico lanzando la fiesta para su hijo, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí?" 'My dad is a friend of the guy throwing this party for his son, what are you doing here?'

"Mi tía me dijo que tenía que venir porque su jefe me invitó personalmente." 'My aunt told me I had to come because her boss invited me personally.'

"¿Por qué tendría que hacer eso?" 'Why would he do that?'

"Su hijo se está convirtiendo diecisiete años, supongo que mi tía le dijo que iba a ser de diecisiete pronto también. No quiero tener nada que ver con el niño mimado cuyos padres piensan que es necesaria para albergar un banquete que me veo obligado a estar en el fin de jugar de soltera. No lo voy a entretener en cualquier caso." 'His son is turning seventeen, I guess my aunt told her boss I was going to be seventeen soon too. I do not want to have anything to do with the spoiled child whose parents think it is necessary to host a banquet that I am forced to be in order to play bachelorette. I will not entertain him in any case'

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