Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

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When we get back to the party Mel almost runs right into me.

"Alexis! There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" She asks.

"I was hanging out with Val, we were, floating around the room, he knows people here." I say.

"Sorry if I caused any trouble, I just figured since she didn't know anyone else it'd be better for her if she stuck with me." Val says politely.

"It's fine I was just-"

"Melissa, have you seen my son?" A man says walking up to us.

"Right behind you dad." Hunter says coming up behind him. 

"Oh! Alexis, meet Hunter, he's the birthday boy." Mel says.

"Happy birthday Hunter." I say politely.

"Thank you, I hope you're enjoying the party babe." He winks.

"It's a lovely party." I say calmly.

"¿Estás bien Lex?" Val asks me. 'Are you okay Lex?'

"Me llamó nena. Estoy considerando seriamente darle un puñetazo en la garganta." I grit out. 'He called me babe. I'm seriously considering punching him in the throat.'

"Cálmate Alexis , recuerde que sólo está haciendo esto para conseguir debajo de la piel en este momento, después de todo lo que acabas de pasar cerca de tres horas con él , jugar bonito para su papá está bien?" Val says. 'Calm down Alexis, remember that he's only doing this to get under your skin right now, after all you just spent about three hours with him, play nice for his dad okay?'

"Bueno voy a intentar, pero una vez que se hayan ido yo no dudaría en volver a pisar el pie." I say. 'I'll try, but once they are gone I will not hesitate to stomp on his foot.'

"Alexis it's not polite to talk in another language in front of people who don't understand you." Mel says.

"Sorry aunt Mel." I mutter.

"Mel, come over here!" One of her colleagues calls to her.

"Coming!" She says walking over to the group.

"Hunter where have you been all night?" Mr. Daniels says to him.

"I've been with some my friends." Hunter shrugs.

"Is that... Hunter Alex Daniels is that paint in your hair?" He asks eyes Hunter's hair.

"No dad, why would I have paint in my hair? I washed it before the party. Whatever you think is there it's probably just the lighting." Hunter rolls his eyes.

"Hmmm I suppose that's possible." Hunter's dad says still looking closely at Hunter's hair. Val and I exchange a look.

"It seems more likely than paint." Hunter says.

"Oh Hunter, there's someone else your mother and I would like you to meet, come on." Mr. Daniels says leading Hunter through the crowd.

"If his dad noticed the paint in his hair Mel definitely knows there's paint in mine." I groan.

"It's possible she doesn't, she didn't say anything." Val shrugs.

"Because social etiquette is important to her, she wouldn't point it out with Hunter and his dad standing here, she's going to do it in the car or at home." I sigh.

"Sorry, I hadn't meant for you to have paint in your hair." Val apologizes.

"It's fine, I'll deal with it when the time comes." I say. Val and I spend the next thirty minutes actually floating around the party talking to various friends of his dad's that know him. Around eleven forty-five Mel finds me.

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