First Day Of School*

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I slip into chemistry class and seeing as almost everyone is already in class I sit at the only empty lab bench and pray no one else comes into the classroom. The bell rings alerting students that class has begun and the seat next to me is still empty.

"Okay class today we will be discussing-" Mr. Lucas is cut off by the door swinging open. I jump slightly and look up from my notebook. Ryder walks into the room.

"Late again Mr. Black?" Mr. Lucas says.

"It would appear so Walker." Ryder shrugs making his way over to the only empty seat, next to me.

"Detention after school."

"Can't wait." He says sitting down. Ryder looks over at me causing me to turn away from him and practically glare at my notebook as I copy down my schedule into it. After a long boring chemistry lecture I dash out of chemistry class once the bell rings and hope to escape from Ryder Black in my next class. English Lit. Apparently we're studying Edgar Allen Poe for the next month. That might be interesting. After English I go to computer graphics which is pretty cool cause we make video games and design virtual worlds and stuff. After that class I get to go to lunch.

"Hey." The boy behind me says.

"Oh uh hi." I say grabbing a tray.

"Alexis right? You're new here?"

"Yeah, first day." I nod placing things on my tray.

"I'm Nathan. I just wanted to welcome you Somerset Academy. I'm student body president."

"Oh uh that's cool." I say.

"So how do you like Somerset Academy so far?" He asks.

"It's pretty cool I guess, I mean no school is perfect." I shrug.

"Yeah that's true, have you made any friends yet?" He asks as we get out of line.

"Uh not really no."

"Wrong answer, because we're now friends."

"Do you welcome every new student like this?" I ask trying not to display my discomfort on my face.

"Well I'm supposed to but we don't get very many, especially non-cali natives, around here."

"Oh. Okay then, I'll uh see you later Nathan." I say walking out of the cafeteria to go to the library to eat lunch. Wrapped up in a book I almost miss the bell ring, almost, but I don't. After lunch I go to health with Ms. Dilson then to music with Mr. Myles. During my free period I go to the library and do the homework I was assigned for all my precedent classes. After free period I go to my last class, Pre Calculus, the one class, I must point out, that I don't have with Ryder well that and music. After school I call my aunt Mel.

"Hey hun." She answers.

"Am I supposed to walk home or you coming to get me?"

"Walk? There is a bus you know."

"Well I'd rather walk, plus I don't know the bus route to be fair."

"Well, I'm a little tied up with work, so you'll have to walk or take the bus, but call me when you get home so I know you're not dead or kidnapped."

"Alright. Later Mel."

"Bye." She says before hanging up. It's a good forty-five minute walk from the school to Mel's neighborhood but it's a nice chance to actually observe this town. As I walk I look around as music plays through my earbuds. About halfway through my walk home I see a shadow on the ground walking behind mine. I turn around and see that the shadow belongs to Ryder. I roll my eyes and turn back as if I hadn't seen him and keep walking. As soon as I call Mel as I head to my room and let her know I'm not dead. Once I'm off the phone I start playing some music and dancing around the room unpacking the suitcase I brought with me. When I finish I glance out the wind to find Ryder looking over at me amused.

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