I Really Hate Mondays*

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I close my windows and curtains before changing my clothes and crawling back into my bed. In minutes I'm asleep again, this time undisturbed. As has become part of my routine Ryder's loud music wakes me up. I get ready quickly before going downstairs.

"Hey pumpkin, how was your play date with the Blacks."

"My play date with Melody was wonderful besides Ryder crashing it like a bum." I say.

"Oh he wasn't supposed to be here?"

"Why the hell would I want him to be here Mel? I just barely made it through that horrid dinner night." I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." She chuckles.

"Yeah, the devil's apprentice isn't that bad." I snort taking my waffles out of the toaster.

"Alexis. He is not the devil's apprentice." She laughs.

"Oh yes he is." I say taking a bite of my waffles.

"You're supposed to be friends with him, not calling him the devil's apprentice."

"I'll say whatever I want to about him. Besides, I already have friends." I huff.

"What about having friends here Lex?"

"I have friends here too Mel. Brandon and Michael, they're my friends."

"Friends your age then Lexi. Who go to your school."

"Well I have friends at school, okay just Nathan really, but still." I shrug putting my plate in the sink. Mel sighs.

"I give up on this, do whatever you like."

"Gladly. I need to get to school anyway." I say.

"Could you walk?"

"Yeah sure I'll see you later." I say grabbing my bag. When I get to school I head to my locker as usual and grab my books for my first four classes. When I get to history class Ryder is already seated with two of the guys from detention, the twins. How come I never noticed them before? I take my usual seat off to the side and try to pay attention during class today which of course fails as my mind drifts to the unfinished drawing of the girl and the merman. So I pull out my journal and finish it up. It's pretty much done I just need to do the finishing touches to it. I stare at the drawing making sure it's perfect when Mr. Andrews clears his throat standing in front of me.

"Care to show the class what has your rapt attention?" He asks me as I look up.

"Uh, no?" I respond.

"Hand me the journal Miss Carter." I sigh but slide the journal across the desk for him to take.

"Now let's show the class what has you so distracted during my history lesson." Mr. Andrews says turning on the overhead projector.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I mutter to myself rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. I glare at Mr. Andrews as he sets up the projector and adjusts the lens. He puts my drawing on the screen and everyone in the class looks from the drawing to me and back again.

"I commend your artistic ability however Miss Carter this is history not art. Detention after school." He says closing my journal.

"May I have the journal back now?" I ask him trying to mask the irritation in my voice.

"You may get it back after class." He says putting in his desk.

"Fucking asshat." I grumble to myself. It doesn't take long for my mind to wander off into la la land because not only do I not like history, Mr. Andrews' class is about as interesting as watching paint dry on a wall. When the bell rings I go up to Mr. Andrews' desk.

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