Chapter 45: Faydee Sort Of Day

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Delila's POV,

It's two weeks since the boys left. At the beginning James would FaceTime me and text me all the time. Now if I get one text a day I can consider that lucky!

I don't know, maybe he's found someone better and forgotten about me? Maybe I was too much of a distraction so he decided to cut me out of his life completely? But surely I still deserve an explanation.

1 Text From: Faydee Boii🍬

Hey Dels! How about a fun day out? Don't worry about money or anything, it's all on me. I'll be picking you up at 11, I know you're not busy anyway. See you at 11! Xox

I giggle at his text, and decide to get ready, since I only have around half an hour to do so anyway. I put my blonde and blue hair into a high ponytail and put on black ripped shorts and a black crop top. I put on eye shadow and mascara, drawing in my eyebrows a little bit.

Over the last two weeks I recorded a cover and posted it on YouTube, getting great reviews back, realising I need to do it more often! Maybe one day someone will notice me and I'll get signed... Haha how about no.

I check my phone hoping to find a text from James. Nothing. N O T H I N G. Daniel manages to text me at least a few times a day, so why can't James? Maybe I meant less to him than I thought.

1 Text To: My James💕

Hey James! Haven't heard from you for a while, I hope you're okaii, I miss you lots but it's not too much longer. Can't wait to see you and good luck with tonight's show! I love you, your Deli Bear xox

I message him hoping that maybe I'd get a reply. Maybe his phone broke? But then again, wouldn't he ask Daniel to text me so? I can't let my mind wonder for any longer for reasons why he hasn't called because there's a knock on the door. I shove some change (just Incase I need a ride home or something* and my phone into my pocket. I dance down the stairs and open the door.

"Hey there Dels!" He gives me a friendly hug. Faydee and I have spent most of our spare time together, he's been helping me to be fine while they are all gone.

"Hey there Fay to the D!" I laugh at what I've come up with.

"Now that was uncalled for, anyway let's go!" He takes my hand and drags me out of the house, I only just managed to lock the front door. He opens the passenger door to his car, and I sit in.

The journey there has been taking around an hour already.

"Fay honestly where are we going?" I sigh.

"You're so impatient," he laughs.

"No, I just don't want to be kidnapped by you," I giggle.

"Oh no you caught me out!" He plays along, laughing. He's got a quite nice laugh and his eyes are nice too, but he's nothing compared to my James.

"Serially!" I whine.

"We are here, no need to whine Dels," he stops the engine and I look around.

"A beach? We like literally live by several," I raise an eyebrow. He shakes his head and gets out of the car, so I copy his actions getting out. And that's when I notice. It's not a sand beach but a beautiful pebbled one.

"The other day you mentioned you wanted to be at one of these beaches one day, so I googled the closest one. I hope it makes you smile," he smiles at me. I run into his arms.

"Of course! I didn't know you listened! Most people don't..." I mumble to myself the last part.

"Of course I listened Dels, I love listening to you," he blushes whilst saying so, Erm, he alright?

"Why we standing here then? Let's go!" I grab his hand and ran with him onto the beach. I loved how the rocks slipped from one to another. Pebbles are amazing, and I will collect some for home, for memories. Around an hour later we've gone swimming too, and we were trying to catch some more of our tan.

"Thank you for this," I smile at him.

"Anything for my best friend right?" He smiles back at me. I nod. I check my phone hoping to have a response from James. Even if it was just a 'thanks' or a 'I've found someone else' so I would know where I stand. But once again, nothing. N O T H I N G. Maybe he's better without me.

Faydee drops me home later on, and I get to FaceTime with Daniel.

"Hey!" Him, Luke, Jai and Beau all smile instantly making me smile.

"Hey! How are you all?" I ask.

"England is great, it's lovely to be here. They say McDonalds not maccies, it's weird!" Beau says.

"And how's you?" Daniel asks.

"I'm doing alright I guess, Faydee took me to a pebble peach today, so I did something different other than nope around all day missing you all." I try my best to keep a smile.

"Only a few weeks! We're half way!" Luke pouts.

"Where's James?" I ask and they all freeze and look at Daniel.

"Just out with Ronnie," he fake smiles. I nod and decide to end the call. They are all lying to me.
where do you think James is?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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