Chapter 17: I Love You

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Mondays, oh do you know how much I hate you right now? I roll around convincing myself to get up. I finally decide to get up and make my way to the bathroom to wash my face. I'm still kind of sore after everything.  Once I've done so, I go and put on my uniform and brush my hair, then putting it into a high pony tail and leaving it natural. For my make up I put on foundation, mascara and lipgloss, leaving out eye liner. I also cover up the hickeys which are still too visible for my liking.

"Lila you up?" Daniel softly knocks on the door.

"Yeah I'll be down in a bit," I shouted and made sure I have everything for today, even though most of it is in my locker anyway.

"What do you want for brekkie?" Daniel asked me and I put my bag by the front door.

"I dunno, I'll just grab an apple or something, not that hungry." I reply.

"Fine, James rang earlier, said something about not being there first thing but coming later once he gets changed." He tells me.

"Why where was he?" I ask.

"He spent the night with his mum at hospital," Daniel answers and raises an eye brow at me.

"What! I'm just curious!" I tell him, through we know it's more than that.

"I didn't say anything," he smirks.

"Oh whatever just take me to school?" I suggest grabbing an apple and biting into it.

"Go on then, oh and I'll be at Rikki's tonight so invite someone over, even if it's James," he winks at me.

"What are you getting at?" I giggle as we walk to the car, me grabbing my bag as we leave the house.

"I don't know, you two seem really close that's all," he shrugs.

"Well he's one of my good friends I guess," I say getting into the car.

The ride to school was quiet with just the radio playing. I've used it as a time to think. Think about James, and how worried I actually am. Why wouldn't he tell me there was something wrong? I've tried texting him since yesterday but he hasn't replied. Maybe he just needs a bit of space and that's fine with me, we're just friends ...

"See you tomorrow afternoon Deli!" I kiss Daniel on the cheek and make my way to our group. Then it hit me. Why isn't Daniel at school? Is he spending the whole day with Rikki? Oh well, not my problem if he doesn't pass.

"Hey Delila!" Jess and Danielle hug me. I hug then back before hugging Tamsin.

"Where did you and James get to after the party eh?" Beau nudges me.

"Hey! Nothing happened that night!" I argue.

"What about the next day heh?" Luke smirks. What do they know?

"Nothing..." I blush and look down.

"Not what we've been told," Jai joins in.

"What have you been told?" The girls and I say in unison.

"That you're better than most," Beau winks. Oh my god.

"Do you guys always share it?" Tamsin suddenly asks.

"Yeah, it's in the bro book," Jai laughs.

"So each time we, you know, they know?" She asks Beau.

"Yup!" He answers.

"Isn't that weird as fuck?" Danielle asks hugging Luke.

"Nope, it's like you girls compare boobs," he answers her.

"That's completely different!" Jess crosses her arms.

"I agree, that's not describing your sex life," Tamsin adds.

"You girls should try it then hah!" Jai laughs. With that the bell rings. I've got maths first, and James won't be there. Great. It's also with Rhiannon.

I go to my locker and put my stuff away, picking up my maths book. Then I make my way to maths. Rhiannon and her followers stare at me, not that I care. Its around half way through the lesson when James comes in, he talks to the teacher before coming to sit next to me. I study him for a bit. His face is putting on a brave smile and there were bags under his eyes. I want to hug him, kiss him, but right now I can't do that.

"Right Deli?" He asks.

"Yeah, you?" I stupidly ask.

"I guess," he frowns and opens his maths book.

"Hey, wanna come around later? Just to hang out? Talk?" I suggest. He looks up at me and genuinely smiles.

"I'd like that, I'd like that a lot," he replied.
"Anything to eat? Drink?" I offer him as I place my bag on one of the stools.

"Glass of water please?" James replies. I nod my head and get out two glasses before filling them up with water.

"Where's Skip Deli?" He asks me as I hand him a glass and we make our way to the living room. James sits on the double sofa while I sit on one of the chair sofas opposite him.

"At Rikki's, probably will have all the details won't you," I smirk and see James blush. Did he actually blush.

"They told you?" He didn't make eye contact with me.

"Yup, does Daniel know then?" I ask biting my lip. He looks up.

"No, I couldn't tell him..." He guiltily replies.

"I think that's a good thing," I sigh. There's a moment of silence before he speaks again.

"My mums in hospital," he almost whispers it. I get up and sit next to him, cuddling into the crook of his neck while he starts playing with my hair. I stay silent and hear small sniffles. I get up and straddle James, wiping his tears.

"What happened James?" I quietly ask.

"They've diagnosed her with cancer," his tears start flowing again.

"Oh babe," I start wiping them away again.
"I'm so sorry," I get glassy eyes. Mama Yammouni was like a second mum to me, been here more than our own to be honest.

"Can we go and see her tomorrow?" I ask and James nods, embracing me into a tighter hug.

"I love you," he says looking into my eyes. I always like to take time before I say the l word. But this time it's always been around.

"I love you too," I tell him and the moment those words leave my mouth his lips connect with mine. This boy.
Awh Mama Yammouni, and James is just cutest... Plus do boys actually tell each other their sex life? 😂
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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