Chapter 13: Two Weeks Later

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James's POV,

It's been two weeks. Two. Fucking. Weeks. She hasn't spoken to me at all, she doesn't sit with us, she doesn't hang out with us. Skip doesn't know what happened, and blames everyone for her not hanging out with us.

The first week she didn't even come to school and Skip flipped, when he found out what she looked like she told him she fell over, but I doubt he believed that. I wanted to tell him on many occasions that the reason Delila doesn't hang out with us anymore is because of me, but something always stopped me. Maybe it was the fact that if have to tel him about my feelings towards her. Maybe it was because I didn't want to loose Skip as a friend.

"Mr Yammouni I've asked you a question." My maths teacher snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry miss, erm..." There's a silence.

"Someone help Mr Yammouni out please," Miss Shepherd asks.

"Mr Sahyounie," she points at Skip.

"Maybe if he got some sleep and left my sister alone he'd be able to answer," he mumbles the 'my sister part' but I picked up on it. I turn around and send him the evils.

"Mr Sahyounie I thought you were going to answer the question, please leave your 'boy drama' for outside of the class and both of you pay attention next time please." She says before continuing to teach.

At the end of the lesson I get up and leave as soon as I can. Why would Skip say that? Rhiannon was in that lesson. I don't really look where I am going and bump into someone, making them drop their folder and some loose papers fly out.

"I'm so sorry!" She instantly apologises.

"No it's my fault," I quickly bend down and help her pick up her papers before fully looking at her.

"Delila?" I almost whisper. She looks up and I see the fear in her eyes. She's scared to be around me, and that kills like hell. She takes everything and speed walks away.

"Delila wait!" I shout after her, but she's gone. Why am I so stupid?! I have to do something about it, but the thing is I can't. Because if I do, it's definitely going to get worse for her. This is not the way I wanted it all to be, this sucks.

"James!" Rhiannon snaps me out of another deep thought, I need to control these.

"What!" I snap and start walking again.

"You were thinking about Delila? You seeing her?" She asks questions, her two puppets walking behind us.

"No, Skip just said that because he's in a pissy and blames me that Delila isn't hanging around anymore," I sigh. I see the smirk on Rhiannon's face and her two puppets smile. I mentally punch each in the face, because I'd never hurt either of them normally, never hurt a girl in my life. Well, a few times my sister and I played fighting when we were smaller, but that doesn't count. Now I would even dream of trying to hurt anyone.

"She isn't good for you anyway James," Rhiannon then says and reaches out for my hand. I move my hand so she doesn't take it.

"How would you know? I liked her hanging out with us! The way she smiles makes my day! Her jokes that only I seem to get, the way she would try and make the conversations at the table 'not dirty' because of the people around us at lunch! You'll never be anything like her!" I try not to shout it all. Rhiannon pulls a disgusted face.

"Babe, I'm already more than she ever will be," she giggles.

"Don't call me babe, because we're nothing, we never really were!" I raise my voice a bit to make it clear to her. She rolls her eyes and walks off, while I make my way to the table where we always sit.

"James you alright? You look a bit angry," Jess asks.

"Yeah, don't worry I'm fine," I reply and try my best to smile.

"That's the fakest smile I've ever seen you pull," Tamsin whispers in my ear then walks off to get herself lunch. She knows me quite well, I've known her for around as long as I've known Delila. My Delila. Except I can't really call her mine, though I'd love to.

"We're throwing a party on Friday," Danielle starts talking as soon as Tamsin sits back down.

"Danielle I wanted to tell them!" Jess sighs.

"Well I told them instead. You're all invited and can bring a plus one, except for you Luke OBVS since you're coming with me right?" She looks at him hopefully.

"Course babe," he smiles at her and they share a quick kiss.

"Well we know who we all want to bring right?" Jai says, they all turn to me.

"James?" Skip asks.

"Erm, I don't know if I'll go," I mutter out.

"You have to! Bring Delila! She needs to go out of the house and I'm sure Daniel won't mind, or will you?" Tamsin asks.

"Erm sure take her, it's just a party right? Plus she's been doing nothing." Skip shrugged. I have Skips permission to take her to a party, but the thing is, she won't talk to me.
I arrive at Delila's house before Skip does, he mentioned going to the Brooks house so I took my chance. I knocked on the door and it opened itself.

"Delila?" I shout through the house.
"Deli? Deli are you in?"

"James?" She lies on the floor in her kitchen, wish smashed glass around her and her body bruised.

"Delila!" I rush over to help her.

"What happened?" I quickly ask, helping her up and sitting her on the island.

"I was getting a cup of water and I got dizzy and fell over," she shakes her head. "Stupid right?" She then adds.

"And this bruising?" I lift her shirt up a little.

"How did you know it was there?" She questions.

"When you were lying on the floor you shirt was up a bit," I say, hoping she doesn't think I'm some sort of a pervet. 

"Oh that was..." She looks down, whispering.

"Rhiannon?" I whisper and she slightly nods her head, before resting it on my chest.

"I talked to her today, I've told her I want nothing to do with you, I've told her I like you and I hate the fact you're not around." I tell her. She lifts her head up.

"You did?" She says as if she didn't believe me.

"Yeah I did," I reply and she hugs me, resting her head in the crook of my neck. I let my arms lock around her, and pull her closer to me, this is the way I want it to be, I want her to feel safe with me and I want to be the one to protect her.

"Oh, there's a party that Danielle and Jess and hosting this Friday, I've got Skips permission, but, would you be my plus one?" I ask hopefully. She pulls away from the hug and bites her lip.

"I'd love to," she smiles and leans up. I lean down and let our lips connect. Her lips are soft and I feel her hands starting to play with the curls at the back of my head.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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