Chapter 7: I Can't Do This

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@DelilaSahyounie: Guys! My new cover of 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran is now up! Go check it out! I'll be following those who send me proof that they've seen it and liked it!

I post up on my twitter as soon as I wake up. My twitter starts going mental, so I decide to give them time to actually watch it, and sort myself out. I walk up to my wardrobe and pick out some high waisted blue denim shorts, a white crop top and a light blue cardigan. I brush my long hair and leave it natural, because it's too much effort at 06:19 in the morning.

I don't know why I am up so early. I can't stop thinking about him. About what he said, about the way he touched my hand. I put on foundation, blue eyeliner and some mascara, as well as a pink lipstick. We didn't have to wear our uniform today to school, we were raising money for something. I go back on twitter and follow some people who have tweeted me proof.

@JamesYammouni: Please, Please follow meee!

James tweeted. I didn't know I didn't follow him, so I go on his profile and follow him, since he did tweet me proof.

@DelilaSahyounie: Done! Now shh;)

I tweet him back, and get back to following more of my subscribers, well, the people who sent me proof.

"Lila you up?" Daniel pokes his head around my door at 7 am.

"Yeah, have been for a while, can I get a lift to school?" I ask him and put my MacBook away.

"Course, don't you always?" He chuckles and we walk down to the kitchen.

"Well yeah, but it's good to ask isn't it? To like, double check or something, I don't even know!" I giggle. "Want coffee?" I ask him.

"Nah I'm okaii, chuck me the bread tho?" I do as he asks and boil some water for me.

"James was asking me these weird things the other day, about dating someone's sister, how weird?" He says spreading some chocolate spread on his bread. I freeze and over pour the water into my cup. "Watch Lila! What's up with you?" Daniel asks, and rushes over to take the kettle off me and wipe the boiling water away.

"Nothing, I was, just, in deep thought." I nervously reply.

"Let's just go to school yeah?" He suggests, I nod and go upstairs and take my bag.
The ride to school was silent, with only the radio in the backround. I didn't feel like talking, why did James talk to Daniel? I didn't want him to think it was about me, and by the looks of it he doesn't. When we arrive at school I instantly spot Tamsin, since she's making out with Beau. Jess and Danielle are standing engaged in their own conversation. I mumble a quick 'thank you' to my brother and get out of the car.

"Delila!" Jess and Danielle smile at me and hug me.

"Hey, hows you guys?" I ask.

"Good, you?" Jess replies for them both.

"I'm alright." I reply and Luke, Jai and Daniel join us.

"Delila, don't look behind, but James is coming." Tamsin whispered into my ear as she gave me a hug. I stand casually with everyone, Tamsin knew about everything, obviously. As he walks closer, I notice he isn't walking alone. He is hand in hand with a girl. Tears spring to my eyes and I don't even know who it is. I then see her gorgeous black hair. It's Rhiannon. My vision become more blury.

"Morning all," James smiles then makes eye contact with me and instantly frowns. "Delila-" He starts but I brake free from the circle and start running. I don't know where I am running, but soon I am out of the school grounds. "Delila!" I hear everyone shout after me but I don't stop, I keep running. By the time I stop I'm in the town square. What he said didn't mean a thing! Obviously it didn't! Maybe it would if Daniel said to go for it! Why Rhiannon? Oh yeah, she's pretty, gorgeous and the whole school wants them together. Except me.

I decide to go around and look into some small shops. I go into the local crystal shop, and as soon as I enter the incense sticks smell hits my nose. It feel so welcoming and homely.

"Welcome dear," The old late says.

"Morning," I politely say.

"What's bothering you dear?" She stands and takes my hand, turns it over and traces along my veins. "Lost in love my dear?" She asks. I nod, a tear escaping and running down my face. She wipes it away and offers me to sit down, while she makes us some tea. I tell her everything, all the events, from my small feelings growing, to him telling me his feelings to this mornings events.

"He sounds like he's lost, you two need to be found." She simply says. I nod to her and look around her small shop, and I notice an elephant glass statue.

"How much for that statue over there?" I ask her.

"For you? $10." She smiles. I take my purse out of my bag and then hand her a $10 note.

"Thank you, for everything." I smile and leave her shop. I don't really know what to take from this, but it was helpful to talk to someone. My stomach grumbles and I look at the time. Half 12. I go to the public toilets and clean my face up a bit, before walking back into the town square, and lookin around the stalls. I get myself a hot dog, clearly because nothing else catches my eyes. I decide to turn on my phone, I turned it of as I was running.

1 Text from: Smelly
Yo Sis? You ok? I can't get through to you! Call me please, what happened?

1 Text to: Smelly
Bro I'm fine, it doesn't matter, I'll see you at home. Tell everyone I'm fine.
I reply, and within a few seconds I get a second text. It's from someone I wouldn't expect.

1 Text from: James <3
Deli! I'm so sorry! I know I've hurt you, but we can't be together, and it's unfair to lead you on. I'm doing what society would like me to do, you should do the same. You'll go far in life, you're getting more known, sorry for everything. xx but just so you know, I do like you, and I always will my Deli, please forgive me, James xxxxxx

I don't know what to think. Why does it have to be so complicated? He says he likes me, and he's pretending to like Rhiannon? That's when I knew it. I love James Yammouni, but there's nothing I can do about it. That's when someone touches my shoulder.

"Hello Delila." He whispers in my ear, making me gulp.
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~ILoveYoubraddyBoy x

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