Chapter 35: Rhiannon's Prom Plan

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Rhiannon's POV,

"No! No fucking way is he going with that... that slag..." I scream in frustration, looking at my purple sparkling dress. Delila does NOT deserve James to take her to Prom. It was destined for him to come with me, I even brought a purple bow tie for James to wear, just so he would match with me.

"Well, it's all over Twitter, he has said he's going with his 'princess' and apparently she's got him a golden bow tie, which he has to pick up," Tamsin tells me. It's so good being friends with her, she doesn't know that I am just using her, but let's be honest, I'm not going to tell her that. I need her, because she does know Delila quite well, meaning I will know stuff about her which I didn't in no time!

"Is that so," I smirk, only to receive a confused look from Tamsin. "Now my girl, you have to do something for me," my smirk grows, surely this plan will work, and everything will crumble for our poor Delila. She could crumble too, no one would care, and no one will care, as soon as I have James wrapped around my little finger. I know she'll have Daniel, or Skip, or whatever the fuck they call him, that's irrelevant right now. But he won't stick around for long either, I'm sure him and Rikki have better plans other than looking after baby Delila.

"You're scaring me with that look on your face, and the way your digging your nails into your t-shirt, is everything alright?" Tamsin asks me, biting her lip. She doesn't know yet, she will soon though, everything will turn out for the better. Oh I can see it already, James and I to be King and Queen at the prom! How exciting! I squeal on the inside, keeping the smirk on my face, it doesn't have a reason to leave.

"Your job," I turn sharply and point at her, making her gulp. Naive little girl, doesn't know what she has gotten herself into yet.

"What do you need me to do?" She mumbles quietly, backing away slightly, so she wasn't as close to me. I loved the power I had over people, I loved being in charge and having things my way, in case you haven't noticed yet.

"You will go to the suit shop, and make the assistant go to the back for some reason, then find James's original order, and swap it for the purple one! Yes, that's exactly what you should do, oh and don't forget, you'll have to re-stick the sticker, so it looks like it hasn't been touched. Then he won't open it, I know him, until the night. By then, it will be too late to change and he'll wear the purple one! Oh TamTam, this is perfection!" I look at her and see her smirking.

"Anything to ruin Delila, after all, I bet you she's the one Beau slept with," she spits, venom in her voice. That's the way I like it, the way I need her to see this, as a revenge for making her and Beau split up. You see, this is hilarious, because I'm the one who Beau slept with, the reason why they broke up. I purposely got him drunk, and might of forced him to sleep with me, everything is part of a plan, a sort of part of a game, and I'm the master. There are no rules, except for listen to me and my orders, nothing hard!

"Here it is," I hand it to her. "I expect it to be done first thing tomorrow, before school, and if you don't want to miss you Chemistry exam, I suggest you go early." I roll my eyes at her, she's annoying but she's what I need to destroy Delila and her perfect life, it won't be so perfect soon, 'princess'.

"Don't worry, it'll be done, you can count on me," she says, she sounds proud, how pathetic is she, as soon as it's done and over with, I'll dump her the first chance I get.

"So, tell me, she ended up in hospital for self harming eh?" I lift an eyebrow and sit next to Tamsin, pretending it's a gossip session, when all I need is this piece of information to ruin her in school. Then she might not even want to go to Prom, meaning James will have no choice but to go with me. Oh everything is going to turn out perfect for me!

"Yeah, it wasn't pleasant, but it's not the first time she's done it!" She giggles, oh, that's a new piece of information I did not know.

"Oh, she's done it before?" I act shocked, come on, tell me more!

"Yeah, when their dad left them or something, probably her fault as well!" She carries on. "I remember when we first accepted her into the group, well she says they accepted me, but I was there way before! I swear! She just likes the attention, and she thinks she's close to Luke! That's a lie, he told me once, how he found her annoying," she stopped, and took another swig of the bottle of vodka I gave her, I figured out she'd tell me more. Aha, I know exactly what I want to do.

"So her dad left, she attempted to kill herself twice and her friends are fake?" I lift an eyebrow, and pretend to look concerned, it works to get more information out of the person. Trust me, Delila isn't the first girl I want to ruin, actually she's my third. The first lost it and is in a mental home, the second moved away and Delila, well I hope she attempts for the third time and succeeds!

"Pretty much, would hate to be her! Except... Except..." she starts tearing up, oh boy. "Except she can talk to my Beau!" She burst out crying, drinking more of the vodka I gave her. Whatever helps her eat her feeling away, or shall I say 'drink' them away. I leave her be and get to my plan, I need to put this together and get it printed for tomorrow. The great thing is, that this wasn't all, I've called their Limo, and changed it to a small one, and the big one for us. You took him away from me, now you have to pay.


Hey! What a bitch. What do you think will happen?

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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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