Chapter 44: They're leaving

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Delila's POV,

This is it. It's three fucking am in the morning, and they're loading their suitcases into the car.

"It won't be as long as it'll seem, I promise," James holds me close.

"I doubt it," I mumble into his chest, it's quite cold, and I dot appreciate being up so early either. I had about two hours or so sleep, as when I returned back home James was here, so I gave him a thing or two to know he's mine. I hope their fans don't mind the hickeys, that's what they get for taking him away from me. Call me selfish, I don't really care.

"Deli Bear please, I'll text you and tweet you and FaceTime you and just call you. Whatever you want baby, even if the time difference is terrible I'll stay up..." He tells me.

"If the time difference is terrible I'll leave you to sleep, I know this tour is important to you, so I'm not going to take it away from you, or make it harder." I try to smile.

"It's making it harder because you can't come." He brushes his fingers through my hair.

"It's not my fault that I can't go." I say quite angrily.

"I know baby, I know..." He sighs.

"James let me hug her too man, she's my sister and I'll be leaving her for just as long as you are.." Skip butts in. I giggle and let go of James and run into Daniels arms.

"If it gets too bad Rikki said she'll fly from her parents house down, so don't be afraid to message her okaii?" He tells me and I nod, though I won't be messaging her. I'll let her have her time with her family, because if I had the chance, I would.

"I'll be fine, I've got you both on just a phone call away..." I shrug, hoping it'll make it easier for them to leave if they feel like I don't really care.

"Yeah," Daniel agrees letting me go. "If anything, just call me or Rikki okaii? There'll always be someone to talk to," he says.

"I know, the Brooks will be pissed if you guys are late so... You better get a move on I guess..." I try to shift them a bit.

"I love you my Deli Bear," James tells me, making me smile at least that little bit.

"I love you more, and don't go hiding those hickeys," I giggle and kiss him, his hand cups my cheek and his other holds me close. I wrap my hands around his neck. I can feel the tears going down my cheek, and I think James sniffles a bit. I decide to ignore both.

"James, we have to." Daniel whispers and sighs. James nods and let's me go.

"I'll speak to you soon," he kisses the top of my head and gets into the car. I bite my lip so I don't break down as I wave, and watch the car disappear. He's gone from me, what if he finds another girl on tour? What if he won't text me and stuff? I sigh and walk in, shutting the door and locking it before running to my room and into bed. I lay on his side and cuddle into his jumper. Life sucks right now.
Small update, at least it's something! Let me know!
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