Chapter 30:

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Delila's POV,

Everything hurts. Well not everything, just the bottom half of my body. My arms feel weak and my head doesn't feel right. I want to open my eyes but I can't. So here I lay, completely still, in the darkness.

I can't move my arms, they feel so heavy, and my legs, do I even have any? I can't feel them if I do.

I can hear voices but I can't figure out what they're saying. The voice seem to be familiar, but I can't tell who. The only person I can think of right now is my mum. Maybe she's downstairs cooking me something nice for breakfast?

The voices raise a bit, which is starting to give me a slight headache. I just want to open my eyes, why do my eye lids feel so heavy?

It's as if I could feel my own blood go around my body. I focus on it, following it as it goes down each of my legs, then up to my arms and then to my head. Then back to my heart. It's aching.

Its aching for someone. But that someone isn't my mum. It's a boy, a perfect boy. James? Yes, it must be James. He's the one for me. He must be the one for me.

Is that James's voice? But he's not alone! Who else is he with? It's a soothing voice I can remember from since I was little. Someone who I grew up with. Daniel! Baby Daniel! Except, he's not a baby, he's older than me, but still he's the immature one out of us two.

"It's been a week and she hasn't woken up," I think Daniel sighs. I am here! I am I am I am!

"I know, it's been the worst week of my life, I need her Skip, she keeps me sane!" James takes my hand. He took my hand! I feel sparks fly up my arm, and I feel less cold than I was.

"The doctors are saying it's expensive to keep her alive, I'll pay from the house money,  I'm not giving up on my baby sister!" Daniel says. I'm alive! Why can't I do something? I wanna scream and shout and let it all out!

"They won't unplug her, it's only been a week, though it's been a long week!" James says, confidently. He puts his other hand on top of mine, and my fingers start to feel warmer.

"Has she moved at all?" Daniel asks after a while of silence. Although I can't see, I bet they're looking at me. From what I've heard I must be in a hospital. But what happened?

That's when I get the flash back. Bathroom, razor, cut, deep, blood, phone call, Daniel and James.

"No, all the time I hope for a short squeeze, or her eyes to flicker, her eyes to open!" James starts to whisper. Is he on the verge of tears?

I have to move. I want him to know I'm here.

"Do you think she can hear us?" Skip asks. Ha, he hates it when I call him Skip, yet all his friends can. I guess he still likes his real name being said by me?

"I hope so, or all those times I was sat here, telling her how bad the school day has been without her. Or how much I miss her and love her." James kisses my hand. My right hand is so much more warmer than the rest of my body. Maybe I could move it now? I try, and I can't. Why!!

"That was deep man, really deep," Daniel chuckles.

"What time you staying til?" He then asks James.

"I want to stay as long as I possibly can, til that nice nurse tells me to go home again I guess." He replies, with sad emotion in his voice. I just want to tell him I'm okaii! Tell him to go home and be with his mum, she needs him too!

"Bro, you should rest you know? You're here more than me and I'm her brother. I know you love her, I love her too. But we all need a small break sometimes yeah?" Daniel tells him, sounding almost apologetic?

"I guess," James shrugs. I felt him shrug!

"Come on, I'll give you a lift home." Skip offers him. Hahaha Skip.

"Alright fine," he gets up and is about to walk alway when my hand grips onto him. There's a silence and I can feel James and Daniel exchange looks.

"You holding onto her?" Daniel asks.

"No, she grabbed me!" James sounds happy. Yes! I did it!

"Deli, baby, can you hear me? Daniel get the nurse!" James shouts. I reply to James by squeezing his hand again and again.

"Is she responsive?" The nurse I guess, asks.

"Yes she keeps squeezing my hand!" James happily replies. His hand is replaced my a smaller softer one.

"Delila if you are awake please squeeze my hand too so I can write it down, because sometimes it can be a loved ones imagination," the nurse asks. It's much harder to squeeze her hand, but I do, repeatedly.

"I need to tell the doctors!" She drops my hand, but there's another that holds it before it drops.

"Sis, please show me you can hear me too!" Daniel asks. I want to giggle but I can't, but I do squeeze his hand.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Daniel says and kisses my fire head. The rest of the evening consists of the doctors doing random tests asking me to squeeze their hands in response.

"Why can't she open her eyes?" James asked as doe of the doctors started to leave.

"They will open soon, it's just the way the body reacts. If they won't open by the end of the weekend then we will proceed to try and open them ourselves." He replies. I feel my lips curve into a smile.

"What you smiling at babe?" James asks. I squeeze his hand, hoping that he gets it that because I can hear him, and feel him.

Poor Deli, I'd die knowing James is this close to me and I couldn't react :(
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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