Chapter 31: I Can See

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**A/N; that girl that took James to Prom is so lucky! And I ship it 100%! **

Delila's POV,

It's been a day and I could feel more and more or my body. It was great, knowing that I'm back in control of my body. I could sit myself up, and hold a cup to my lips and drink, however, I could not see or speak. The doctors said I might of lost a bit too much blood, which causes it to take longer. However they are a bit worried. I think I heard them say to James that it could get to the point where I'll never see again but I don't believe that. I've been through worse than this.

"You awake Deli?" I hear the door open and James's sweet voice after. I sit up and nod, trying my hardest to smile.

"I've brought you some chocolate, thought you'd want some, you don't have to eat it now if you don't want to," he said. I reached out my hand and heard James opening the wrapper before I felt a piece of chocolate in my hand. I placed it to my lips and inside my mouth. The sweetness of the chocolate melted in my mouth. I have been craving it, I don't know how James knew but I'm thankful that he thought of it.

"My mum sends her love and so does Rita, Skip said he'd come by in the evening, has to take Rikky to her dance exam," he then tells me.

"A o.......k" I try to speak. Well done Delila, you officially sound like a retard.

"Oh my god Deli! Keep on trying!" He encourages me. "Has that nice nurse been here yet today?" He asks.

"Y .. Es..." I reply, well try to anyway. "She's- called - Rose!" I can almost speak just fine!

"Ah, great to know!" He chuckles, I miss James. Even though he's here I miss him, I miss being able to see him.

"I want to see," I say the full sentence without stuttering.

"I want you to be able to see too, to see your beautiful eyes again!" He then reaches for my hand and intertwined our fingers. With my other hands I start to play with my eye lids.

"Deli the doctors told you not to open them by force," he takes my hand down, but I put it up as soon as he lets go.

"But that'll take too long. James I need to see you! I miss you and I miss being able to see." I start to cry, and the tears make their way from the inside of my eye lids to the outside, opening my eyes slowly as more and more fall. I feel stupid crying in front of James but my eyes are opening so right now I don't care how pathetic I must look.

"I can see," I cry laugh. James is wearing a black and white checkered button up tee shirt and some black skinny jeans. His hair was gelled up and his dimple piercing was visible. He came to me, sat on the bed and hugged me.

"Oh my god Deli, thank lord," he kisses my forehead and I snuggle into him, letting as much of my body have connection with his. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, then let them flicker to his lips. He nodded, obviously getting what I was getting at and we both start to lean in. It feels heavenly to feel his lips back on mine. His hand cups my cheek and supports my head, tangling into my hair. The kiss is full of lust and passion, from how he must of missed me.

"Hey Lila- oh sorry," Daniel stands by the door while James and I pull away. James smiles at Daniel however I look down at my hands and blush.

"You can see? Have you told any doctors or nurses? Can you see clearly? Wait, can you speak now too?" Daniel comes over and hugs me.

"Slow down," I giggle and hug him back. "Yes I can see, no we haven't told anyone because the moment I could see I wanted to kiss James, yes I can see clearly and of course I can speak unless all of this is in your mind!" I say confidently and giggle some more. Daniel pulls away from me and kisses my cheek.

"It's so good to hear your voice! I've missed it in a weird way? Rikki is sending you some skittles and lollipops, and sends her love. She was going to come and see you today but had to have her dance exam!" He says. Bless her. It's weird, because all of the boys have been visiting me since they've known I was responsive, but only Rikki from all of the girls has been coming to see me. What have I done to earn for them to not want to talk to me?

"That's sweet of her, I can call her later! Since I can talk and see my phone!" I do a little victory wiggle dance earning laughter from the boys.

"Ah good afternoon Delila, James and Daniel!" Rose comes in. "Oh my gosh you can talk and see? For how long?" She asks. This question is getting boring.

"A little while," I smile at her. She disappears probably to go and get more doctors.

"James? Daniel?" I get their attention, and once I have it I carry on. "Why haven't the other girls come and see me?" I ask, looking down at the floor. When I look up I see James and Daniel exchange worried looks.

"Well, Jess and Danielle were forced to move back to England, they broke up with the twins and left." Daniel says quietly.

"Their parents moved?" I asked and he nodded.

"And Tamsin?" I look at James and he looks down, "tell me, I can take it," I want him to tell me why Tamsin hasn't come to see me.

"She's best friends with Rhiannon and her gang, since you've been at the hospital she's been distant. I'm not even sure if she's still with Beau," James says even quieter than Daniel did.

"You're having a laugh right?" I raise an eyebrow and he shakes his head.

"I wish I was joking, she's been trying to get Rhiannon to leave Aaron and date me again," he whispers now.

"I can't believe this," I feel tears in my eyes. In a weird way I like tears now, they gave me back my vision. Soon after the doctors came on and made me go through some examinations and everything seems to be okaii.

"Well I predict you won't be here much longer than two or so more days, once we know that you are okaii for sure, you can go," the doctor says to me.

"Thank you," I tell him and smile.

"Don't thank me, thank your body for being a good fighter." He smiles and everyone leaves. James is allowed to come back for a little bit and we talk about how it will be like when I go back home. I've only got three weeks once I get back of school, before prom and results.

"I'll be hard in school, but since Rikki is back from her holiday I'll have some lessons with her," I shrug. Daniel went to pick her up from her dance exam and said that if they made it back while there is still visiting time that they'd stop by. And they made it.

"Delila!" Rikki runs and hugs me. I hug her back instantly. Her red hair was up in a pony tail and she had her dance top and black leggings on.

"Riks!" We pull away and she fills me up on all the girl stuff apparently Jai got followed back by Ariana Grande, which is huge! And she said that Luke has sent the lollipops not her, she sent the skittles. Bless them all. I thank her anyway before they all have to leave. James gives me a kiss and leaves too. I can't wait to get out of here!
Hey! Yay! Basically I needed the story to move on and the girls gone for a reason! Sort of a filler!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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