Chapter 16:

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"James I've got nothing to wear," I sigh as I get up from under the douvets.

"You don't really need them," he looks me up and down and smirks.

"Haha funny, but fine if you want me to go back to mine naked I will," I reply.

"No!" His eyes widen. I wasn't being serious, I wouldn't walk out of his bedroom without clothes, but I just wanted to see his reaction.

"Let me get you some of Rita's clothes,"  he gets up and puts on some trackies and left the room. I sat onto the bed and checked my phone. Four in the afternoon, and I've had heaps of texts from Daniel. I decided to send him one.

1 text to: Daniel 🐽
Hey bro! Sorry I didn't reply! I had a really bad hangover, James is looking after me though so don't worry. He's gone to get me some of Rita's clothes so I don't have to wear the dress. I'll be home for dinner I guess. Love you DanDan;) Delilaaaaa

James came back with a black tank top and some dirty pig trackies.

"Her room is so complicated! I've text her asking her as well and she said it's fine," he handed me the clothes. I thanked him and put them on. He got on a black hoodie and checked his phone. He smiles at something and I decided against asking what it was.

"What time does Daniel want you home?" James puts down his phone and stands in front of me.

"I text him saying I'd be home around dinner I guess," I shrugged.

"Good," he winks and hugs me, before pushing me back onto the bed and bowering over me. (Side/top pic). His face was centimetres from mine and I felt his hot breath.

"Earlier was good," I whispered and earned a chuckle from James before he connected our lips. His lips felt so right on mine and I didn't want them to leave mine. All the way through this kiss I was wondering of what we were and what all of this meant to him.

"I'll give you a lift home later if you want? But first let's get something to eat eh?" He asks getting off of me and offering me his hand to help me get up. I take it and as soon as I am standing up he leaves a quick kiss on my lips. I smile. He bends down and I jump on his back.

"The flight 17609 leaving from James's bedroom to James's kitchen is ready to depart. Please hold on tight and enjoy the ride!" He says in a deep voice before making his way from his bedroom to the kitchen. He struggled a little down the stairs and I offer to get off but her just declines it. When we get to the kitchen he places me onto the island and turns around leaving another kiss on my lips.  Did he want to feel my lips constantly like I wanted to feel his? He went through his cup boards looking at things we could eat.

"Can you make pancakes?" I ask him, I'm really craving some after seeing Nutella in one of his cupboards.

"Course I can, fancy them?" He offers.

"Course," I giggle and help him measure put the ingredients. He got some flour on his finger and put it on my nose. I giggled and we carried on.

"Ready Deli? Watch this!" He tries to impress me and flips the pancake perfectly.

"Pfft I can do that," I scoff. He flips it one more time before putting it on my plate and handing me the Nutella and something to spread it with. I spread it on and roll it up before taking a bite.

"Yum!" I smile. He smiles back and puts the next pancake on.

"Come on then, flip it!" He smirks and points to the pan. I take the last bite and wipe my hands before going to James. I take hold of the pan and get the pancake ready. James stands back and looks at me. I try to flip it and I do, but I don't catch it and it lands on the floor. I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my life, I've just dropped what was going to be his pancake. Great one. I look at him, and he just burst out laughing and I join him.

"Babe just let me do it eh?" He takes the pan off of me and pours in the new pancake while I picked the one I dropped off of the floor.
A few pancakes later and we were both full.

"You know, these pancakes mean I'll have to go to the gym more!" He sighs.

"James you're fine the way you are!" I tell him.

"So are you, well..." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Well what?!" My eyes widen.

"There's a few so called 'hickeys' or 'love bites' that are visible and even with this hoodie which I will offer you later, they'll still be visible." He smirks. Shit. Daniel. Fuck. Crap. Shit.

"Oh fuck," I put my hands around my neck. He chuckles. "How's this funny? Daniel won't just kill me, but you as well!" I tell him and his smile disappears.

"Don't worry James, I'll just sneak past Daniel, or just put the hood up and keep myself to myself," I tell him and he relaxes. I walked over to him and hugged him.
"Daniel I'm home! And James is here to talk to you!" I shout and leave the keys on the side.

"I'll be down in a bit, tell James to wait in the living room." He shouts back. James does as Daniel said and I run up to get changed into my own clothes and to cover up the hickeys. Once I'm happy with it I go down.

"Lila! Mum said she had to go to  see our Nonna and won't be back til next weekend so I'm in charge," Daniel looked proud of himself.

"So basically do everything like always coz mums never in," I sighed and rolled my eyes, Daniel agreeing.

"James left already?" I asked.

"Yeah, his mum has an appointment at the hospital," he says and it hits me. No one was there while we were there. I just hope everything is Okaii. James never really talks about his family.
Guys it's hard for me to update sometimes, I have two fanfics going on so please don't be mad that sometimes it'll be a two days or more before I update. How sweet is James?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Yammouni's Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें