Chapter 29: James At Hospital

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James's POV,

"You must know something by now!" I pace up and down the corridor, accidentally sounding too harsh towards the nurse. "I'm sorry, she's just my world you know?" I tell the nurse and she nods, sitting me down, going to get a cup or cold water then sitting next to me passing me the cup.

"Thanks," I smile at her. Daniel was on his phone to their mum, not that it looked like he got any good response from her.

"She had old scars too," the old nurse said quietly.

"I know, I didn't even know until today, how much of a bad boyfriend must I be? I've not noticed it when we-" I stop myself.

"They weren't that noticeable, do not blame yourself young man," she smiles slightly.

"It's James, my name is James. And that's Daniel, her brother." I point to Daniel who is tugging on his hair in frustration.

"You both seem to care a lot, I think she's a fighter and will pull through, she lost a bit of blood, a lot to be honest. But in there are the best doctors here working on her." She says. Working on her, makes her sound like she's already dead.

"We do care. She's our world, usually the only bright thing I have in my life. I need her." I sigh and bury my head in my hands. I can't loose her now that I got her back. It's probably my fault that she's being this way.

"Don't ever think this is your fault," she puts an arm around my shoulder and gently made soothing circles, which somehow calmed me down a little.

"But it must be my fault. I didn't see it and I didn't do anything to stop her!" I cry into my hands, not looking at the old nurse, and hearing Daniels voice slightly raise at his mum.

"All of her friends could say that. Daniel over there could hate himself. But he shouldn't. None of you should. My daughter went through a similar thing, and neither my husband nor I saw this until we were called into hospital. Girls their age like to keep things to them selves, not get others involved." She say, making me look at her to see tears in her eyes.

"Thank you," I whisper and she just nods and Daniel comes over. The nurse gets up and leaves.

"She's not coming," he sighs and slides into the seat next to mine.

"Why can't she come? Her daughter is unconscious!" I rage a slight bit.

"Yeah, I know, she's being so unreasonable. She's saying her partners daughter has a school play which she has to attend. Fuck her. We never needed her or dad in our lives, they just ruin everything." Daniel seems to be more depressed about it than I thought he would be.

"So she's choosing her over her own daughter?" I question. Daniel just nods.

"She's nothing to us, I'm going to get myself a job so Lila and I can get a new and better house, so we're not dependant on her," he says through gritted teeth.

"Have you been to the bank lately? Our YouTube career has given us a bit, I helped to pay of some of my mums cancer treatments," I say to him quietly.

"Really? There's that much in there?" He seems shocked.

"I know, I was shocked myself, and I know we never cared about the money but about entertaining people, but it's pretty nice." I say.

"That could solve everything, plus the money mum sends! Lila and I could move closer by where you are! In one of those fancier houses like yours! She could have the room with the balcony," he gets a bit carried away then stops dead in his words. "James?"

"Yeah bro?" I look at him.

"What if she doesn't make it," he looks at the ground before turning back to me.

"She will, we need her and she knows that. She'll fight for us!" I try to reassure him, and that's when the old nurse comes back.

"She's been moved to room 212," she smiles and leads us to the room.

"She's still unconscious but she's out of danger," the smile spreads a little more.

"Thank god!" I smile. "Thank you," I nod to the nurse and she just smiles.

"You guys can go in," she opens the door and let's us in. "Just for a little while though," she then adds and we thank her some more.

I was never expecting to see Delila in such a state. She was as pale as a ghost and her body was lifeless. Daniel goes by the window an leans on the frame of it, looking at Delila. He nods his head to the one chair next to her for me to sit in.

"I'm sure you should talk to her first," I speak my voice shaking.

"I can wait, you need to speak to her, I'll be outside," Skip takes her pale hand and kisses it before walking out leaving just the two of us.

I slowly move over to the chair and sit in it, taking that lifeless hand and placing it in mine. It was so cold, it made me want to hug her to make sure she was warm enough. I move a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her fore head gently.

"I'm sorry Delila," I begin, tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't notice, I'm so sorry for ever hurting you and I'm sorry for not always being here. But the times we have spent together mean far too much to me. You mean the world to me and I need you in my life, I love you Deli," I cry, letting the tears fall down my cheeks. I stay for around half an hour sitting there in silence before I walk out and let Skip have some time alone with her. Why do such bad things happen to such good people?

James you cutie! How sad :(
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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