CHAPTER 15: My Chevalier

Start from the beginning

I chuckled and nodded. "I know." He scratched his head. " birthday." He said smiling. I smiled back and thanked him.

Hiccup stand up and went by the opening. He raised his hands and stretched. He turn around to face me. "We better finish this test if you want to celebrate your birthday with the others than those chiropterans." He said.

He's right. I don't want to celebrate with those freaks. I got up and walked towards him. "Okay, lets go." I said excitedly.

Hiccup smiled, but there's something. I removed the handkerchief that was wrapped around his forehead and saw the cut was still fresh, but its not bleeding anymore.
"Hiccup, we better get your forehead cleaned, or else those chiropterans might smell you." I said.

Before Hiccup could hesitate, I grab his arm and drag him with me to find the nearest pond we found about a few steps away from the cave we stayed in.

I washed my handkerchief that was soaked in blood, and wipe it on Hiccup's forehead to remove the blood off.

"Ah!" Hiccup yelp. "Sorry, just hold still." I said and gently wipe his blood off.
"We better put something to cover your cut." I said.
"What? The herbs here are deadly." Hiccup said.

I look around for any shrub that can be used, but I don't trust the looks of those shrubs.

Suddenly, an idea came in to my mind. I place my hand on Hiccup's forehead, and took a deep breath.

"I hope this works." I said and closed my eyes as I feel power tingling in my hands.

When I think its finished, I remove my hand off, and a little amount of frost covered the cut part.
"How're you feeling?" I asked him.
"It feels good, but its kinda making me a bit weak because of the cold." He said.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure we can get out of here soon so we can medicate your cut in a warmer way." I said.

"How'd you know you can use your ice powers to make wounds feel better?" He asked.
"My brother thought me that when we were young, he used to put ice on my wounds I get from skating." I replied and stand up.

"Oh, you have a brother? How come he isn't here?" Hiccup asked.
I look at him and just smiled. "Can't tell." I muttered and started walking.

Hiccup came beside me and grab my hand. I look down to see how tight he was holding me. "You seem to like holding my hand ever since yesterday." I said.
"Just making sure you'll be back with me, Ruffnut would kill me if I won't take you back." Hiccup said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah right." I said rolling my eyes.

Suddenly, growling sounds were heard. I turn my head around and saw a chiropteran there with bloody eyes staring at us.

"Hiccup!" I shriek. Hiccup turn around, already holding a sword with flames around them and battled the monster.

I watched as Hiccup tore the monster into prices and disappeared like shattered glass.

"Grr..." A growl was heard behind me. I stiffened, knowing there's another one behind me.

I slowly lifted my head, and saw the nasty face of the monster. It then growled at me out loud that my ears almost break.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called. In the corner of my eye, I saw him battling coming chiropterans and he can't save me just in time.


A voice suddenly whispered. My eyes were still stuck at the monster, but the voice keep whispering for me to fight back.

Suddenly, I just felt I was gripping tight on something. I look at it and it was a sword. Its a samurai kind of a sword, make out of ice with a blue gem on its handle.

"Whoa." I gasped.

"Aaah!" I screamed when the chiropteran just hit me with its huge claws, sending me flying and hit myself on the tree.

I fell on the ground felling my body was aching the more I move. But my aching was replaced by anger when I I heard Hiccup scream my name. I look up feeling my blood was boiling like fire. I grab the sword and got up to my feet, forgetting the pain I'm feeling.

"Alright, let's dance." I hissed. And sprint up and ran to my opponent, slashing my sword at him. He hit me again, and this time I fell on my face. I stand up again, and tasted the blood coming from my mouth.
"If that's what you want, then I'll,give it to you." I hissed again and charged my sword at him. I quickly leaped high in the air and used my sword and slice the monster in half.

I landed on my feet and shattering sounds came from behind. And its the monster I just killed.

"One down, a lot more to go..." I said in my not so usual tone of voice.

I turn to the pack of chiropterans my friend was battling. I ran to aid him and kill the beast.
"Thanks for the save." Hiccup said.
"Don't thank me yet." I said and leaped up high in the air, the chiropterans looking at me. And in one sweep, of my sword, all the monsters shatter into prices.

I landed beside Hiccup and look around for any sign of monsters coming. "That was some skill you showed.' Hiccup said.

I look at him and smiled. "Uh...thank you." I said.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

It surprised me that Astrid did a job well done on defeating the chiropterans, I never knew she could do that.

And what's even more surprising, is that she did it like a pro, and she summoned a weapon without chanting any spells or anything.

Astrid walked towards me, looking at my forehead while touching it gently. "Does it still hurt?" She asked. I just shake my head and reply.

"We should have gotten out here by now." I said looking around.

I walked towards a tree for any sign of a key to get out, but there's nothing. Were still trapped around here.

I heard a loud sound, like someone falling hard on ground. I turn around to see Astrid already on the ground, her side was bleeding.
Quickly, I ran beside her and aided her. "Are you okay?" I asked worried as I took a price of cloth and tie it around her waist with the handkerchief she used to stop my bleeding.

"I didn't notice that rot hit me." He said jokingly, like this wasn't a big issue.

"Your crazy to joke like that." I spat and carry her up. "I can walk." She said but I insist. "No, I won't let you." I said and we continued walking our way to find a way out.

"Hiccup?" Asked Astrid. I look down at her. "Yes?" I said. "Thanks, for being a Chevalier for a while." She said in a faint voice and her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep.

"I will always be your Chevalier." I whispered.

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