lmao why do I do this

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lmao I wrote this for some dumbass question on my seminary shit. Why do I write shit like this I swear to god

I literally bullshitted the entire thing, and it basically ended up being another rant oops but happy birthday whoever's reading this.

Gender is not chance, and it should not matter in what you choose. You are who you are, and it does not matter what your gender is when it comes to your life. It will matter to people you meet, most likely, because people are bigoted and for some odd reason still believe that one gender is better than the other, whether it's men or women. All that matters is that you are who you are, regardless of your gender, and you will do great things. And physical appearance doesn't matter either. But if it means so much to you, let me just tell you that you are not ugly, and you never will be. You are always beautiful, no matter what happens. Those people who are calling you names are just people. You'll always be beautiful in the eyes of your lover, your future spouse, your Father. And in my eyes. Don't worry about your gender or your physical appearance. I understand that that's easier said than done, but trust me, just focus on being you and making the best of every situation. Nothing can stop you when you believe in yourself.

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