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the scum of the water is there because the alligators aren't,
the fish are dying because we aren't,
the elk are disappearing because the foxes aren't,
the pollution is there because the clams aren't,
the mosquitos are here because the spiders aren't,
the rhinos are gone because we aren't,
the bacteria is there because mosquitos aren't.

9/12/15 12:10 PM
(I have this crazy idea about population, like, I don't know, it's really weird and hard to explain. People always assume that mosquitos are bad, so they kill them. People assume that spiders are bad, so they kill them. People assume that crocodiles are bad, so they kill them. They don't see what it is they're doing, what they're changing. 'Oh, it's one less mosquito, I'm not doing anything to the population of seVENTEEN TRILLION ANNOYING AS FUCK BUGS!', but really, they are. Humans don't realize what a big difference we make. Killing one alligator changes that lake, that ecosystem, and the river it flows from, and from that the rest of the creeks/lakes/ponds that river reaches, as well as the corresponding organisms in them. They kill the alligator because 'it was threatening' or 'it might eat my kid!', but they don't think about the fact that animals have to eat something too! Seriously, it is not the alligator's fault that it is carnivorous. That is the result of eons of evolution, corresponding with the natural world and ecosystems. It is not any single alligator's fault, but no, people immediately assume that alligators will kill them because they're carnivorous. Has anyone ever even considered the idea that maybe alligators attack for the same reasons they do? That they're afraid of us just as much as we're afraid of them? It really frustrates me when people kill out of fear. Instead of shooting first, asking questions later, why don't people calm down and think about whether or not the world will actually benefit from killing something. I mean, yes, fighting death is human instinct, but seriously, just immediately freaking and shooting something that might be threatening your life is not the best way to go about it. I'm sorry, I can't come up with a good way to explain it, I'm sorry. I'll go now.)

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