California's Deserts are Actually Really Pretty

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(Sorry it's all weird in this update... I had no wifi and the reason will be explained in a minute. The wattpad app was being weird without wifi. I tried to fix it whenever I got wifi back, but it didn't really work, sorry...)

I visited family in California last week, but the plane went to Vegas (never going again... took me forever to find a bathroom on the Strip. Do not recommend) instead of LA and we stopped by the Valley of Fire, which is totally worth the drive, and I took this picture, which inspired the first poem.

Bright flashes across the blue sky,
Blink once and it's gone,
Look twice and you'll find it.

Spread across the plain is masses of color,
Beautiful rocks in lively hues of red,
Home to nothing but greatness.

8/6/15 6:14 PM


People here in the west are so much more nicer, man. I mean, even in Vegas, people were saying sorry for bumping into you and holding doors for you and saying please and thank you. I've been here two days and I've already met so many people who like what I like/try to say something nice about my interests and I really love it. My parents are thinking of moving here and now I think it might not be such a bad idea...


Have you seen the woven tales
Of a spider's dreams and passions?

His elaborate stories of old,
Of how the ancestors moved through the earth's mould,
How their children grew into the goliaths in the south,
And the graceful spinsters of the northern cold.

Oh, how he would weave,
Those stories you can see,
Deep in his web,
Of the unforeseen.

8/8/15 4:53 PM
(Trying out rhyming poems... great brain exercise but not really that fun. The outcome is amazing though.)


People call me materialistic for buying so many books in Tahachapi, and I couldn't think of anything then, but now I have an answer. See, it's not so much the books that I love, although I do love them, it's the stories. The stories and the imaginative images that go with them inside the books are what makes me want so many. It's not the fact that I need a book nearby, a thing that I can touch, it's more so the thought that I can escape any time I want into a whole new world. I know it's unseemly and unhealthy to always have an escape when I'm feeling uncomfortable instead of roughing it out and figuring out a way to get myself away from the situation; you don't need to keep telling me.


Dry heat is good but sunburns are not. Swimming is fun but sunburns hurt.


Did you see them,
In the distance,
The great leopards
Sunbathing on their stomachs,
Legs all askew?

With desert bushes dotting their skin,
And dirt roads for faces,
Have you seen the feline grace of western foothills?

8/10/15 4:52 PM
(The Sierras look like sleeping cats from a distance in the late afternoon, by the way.)


Oh, yes,
The fallen want their revenge.

Thousands, millions,
The fallen want their revenge.

Mourning their losses,
The fallen want their revenge.

Cities atop weak ground,
The fallen want their revenge.

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