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Yeah, yeah, yeah, another update about love. Shut up and let me live my life, okay? Okay.

I think love might be when their hand is so scarred and calloused but you don't care because that's the hand that held you when you cried, the one that fits so perfectly in your own scarred and calloused hand like a puzzle piece, like it was meant to be that way.

I think love might be when their windblown hair and flushed face is the most beautiful thing you've seen in your entire life, that their eyes are so fucking gorgeous because their mind contains the most intelligent and caring thoughts you've ever heard come from their swollen lips and their eyes radiate pure joy.

And you've seen them when their eyes radiate pure hate and still think that they are so fucking beautiful because beneath all that anger and impulse is an amazing person and an ingrained instinct to hold and love you.

You find yourself talking to them in the middle of the night for no reason, about nothing, and you don't even want to go to sleep because you don't want to be away from them for more than a few seconds, and that their sleeping face will always be the most beautiful and radiant thing you will ever see because when they're asleep, all you can think about is the day before and how fucking amazing they are and you just smile and can't stop smiling because they're just so perfect and you're so totally in love.

I think that's what love is.

Kaykay bye

Sorry for annoying you all with another love update. Love is just really important to me because it's an everlasting thing, you know? And you can't waste it on one person, or let so many other people take so much from you whe. You can find that person and I'm sorry I just really care.

Goodbye now.


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