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No one knows the true origin of war,
No one knows the real reasoning,
No one knows the losses of the other team,
Because history is always written by the winners.
And the winners are always right,
No matter how awful their mindsets were,
They won,
So they're right.

9/10/15 9:09 PM
(How come we never hear from the loser's side? Why are they always the bad ones, the enemies? Why do they always gain the bad name, bad reputation, but the winners always have the best intentions, best purposes? War is war-no matter the reason. No one wins or loses, people die on both sides. The losses are enough for both to grieve, enough for both to suffer. Who are we to decide the judgement for the 'losing team'? Just because you won doesn't mean you're morally correct, that you beat the bad guys, it just means that you decided to fight back with bombs, anger, prejudice, etc. when it could've been resolved in a civil dispute. You aren't morally correct, you're just able to say so because the loser has no voice.)

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