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People always ask.
About what happened to that girl.
About how she changed in the last few years.
About whether or not the new her is better.
People always ask.

She wishes she could say that new her is worse.
She wishes she could say that she wants the normal.
She wishes she could say that she misses old her.

She wishes she could tell them all the things they want to hear.
But she can't.

She doesn't hate the old her.
She doesn't want the normal back.
She doesn't miss the old her.

She likes the spontaneity.
She likes the rush of wind in her ears and hair.
She likes the beautiful person she sees in the mirror that she don't see in the old her.
She likes new her.

New her is confident.
New her is smart.
New her is pretty.
New her is so much better in every way, because new her learned her lessons.

Old her learned nothing because she was too afraid to jump.

6/22/15 1:09 AM

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