I'm a Someone

20 4 8

You're not mad at them, you've never been mad at them, I think to myself as the tears fall and the blood drips. Its not their faults. Never their faults. How is it theirs? You chose to be this way.

You are this way.

It is who you are. Not who they are. It isn't their faults. Never their faults. Don't blame them, you don't know what goes on in their lives. Don't add to their depression, if they have it. Don't be a prick. Just ignore them, it'll be okay. Don't think, don't move. Just lay here. Just bite your knuckles and thumb and enclosed fist. Don't let the tears fall. Don't taste the blood, let it drip. Just sleep, maybe it'll get better. Just breathe. Just close your eyes, and sleep. But what if you don't wake up? Don't worry about that. It'd be better than this. Just breathe, just bite, just sleep. Just stay quiet, maybe no one will hear your tears.

It's not their fault. It's yours. Don't ever blame anyone.

But I'm a someone too.

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