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You know what is one of my absolute worst pet peeves? When people talk about religion. I mean, not like they don't have the freedom of speech and belief, it's just so annoying hearing people always say "God has shown me the way," after every little thing that happens. It just bugs me so much because you don't know how someone might feel about that statement or even the whole idea of God.

It just ughhhHHHAJSHEHD

Like, for the love of whatever you believe in, stop. It aggravates me so much because I mean, it's okay to think something like that, like, I don't know, send a silent prayer or something, but saying it out loud? When you don't know others' feelings about the topic? Or others' religions?

I mean, most atheists/agnostics/whatever's don't go saying "I'm agnostic," all the time, so why are you? You don't have to put emphasis on your religion. If you feel the need to flaunt your religion in order for someone to actually know you as a person, there's definitely something wrong. It's okay to have a religion, but to say, "I'm Christian," as a greeting; as if that's all you are, that's just... that's just wrong. In my opinion, anyway.

Like, there is no "Christian" person, and there is no "Muslim" person, and there is no "Catholic" person, and there is no "Mormon" person. There's just... people. Everyone in every religion is very different, and for you to say, "I'm *whatever religion*," as who you are, that just bugs me so much. I mean, seriously. Those words aren't adjectives. They are proper nouns. That's why they're capitalized. But just because they're pronouns does not mean they are synonymous to your name!!!

This probably offended so many people; I am so sorry if it did. This just is in my head every single time I hear a phrase like that and ugh. I had to get that out. Even if my opinion is uninformed, it still annoys me a lot.

Dude I showed this to my mom and she got mad at me because of her religion or whatever and started stonewalling me like bitch tf?

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