Be Your Man teaser~

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"Woa,woa!! Get out of the way please!!" You literally screaming on the hall. You're running because..



"Fudge.. What time is it? Ugh..." You opened your eyes slowly. It's 7.30!!! O.O" And school starts at 8 am!! You smacked your head for waking up so late.

"______!!! Rise and shine! How long are you gonna stay in the bed hm?! Get up you lazy fat hamster" your mom shouted.

"Okay okay mom!!" You quickly took a bath and dressed. While you're on your way to school,you remembered you left your homework on you desk. You groaned and drove back to your house and took your homework.

After you've arrived, you remembered that your first period is math. The teacher had warned you if you're late you'll get a detention after school. You groaned and started to run.

*end of flashback*

"Hey! Watch it!!" You bumped into someone else shoulder.

"Sorry!!!!" While you're apologising, you didn't looked infront and you knocked into someone. Oh Sehun. My worst enemy. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jessica Jung, 17 year old. And yes,I'm late.

Wait. Let me introduce this guy! Okay. He's bone head,as I called him. Cause he's a jerk and meanie since 8th grade. Don't ask why,cause he already has that bitchy attitude when he's born. *note that sarcasm?*

Okay! That's my teaser for my 2nd fanfic! Please read it~ kamsahamnidaaa everyone!

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