my dear you changed me part 2

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We entered the detention room together. I've never. Ever. Entered into this situation. This is gonna make a A in my report card instead of A+.. T^T I love my grade (nerddddd!!)

"Yah,Luhan. This is all your fault. Yours too" I pointed at his friends.

"Why us?? What did we do? We just laughed. No harm"

"Yeah. You laughed. Like hyenas! So loud! And now,my grade is the one taking care of my mistake. Poor baby. I'm sorry,my beloved report card"

Inside. We're only allowed to talk. No phone. No sleeping and No laughing. Sucks...

"PST! Hey! Guys. Do you know,someone is gonna turn 17 soon? 13 July." Bom whispered to us.

"I know ;)" Luhan winked at me. I frowned.

"Why are you winking at me for no reason?" I asked.

His friends laughed quietly. I'm still confused. Whose birthday?

"Idiot. You're truly an idiot. You forgot your own birthday. I wonder why no one called you granny hm?" Luhan smirked.

"Ohh! If I'm granny. Doesn't that makes you a GRANDPA? How does that sound? Good? I'm agreeing on this " love ". I'm so busy with YOU. Capital Y capital O capital U. Till I forgotten my own birthday. Doesn't that makes you an idiot as well for not reminding me?" I mentally high fived with my brain for my awesome comeback. Even Bomi high fived me for my awesome sarcasm.

"Yah. I'm sorry then. Mianhae jagii. Saranghaeyo." He scratched his hair.

"Okay grandpa~ I will forgive you cause you're an idiot as well. Now,do something idiot so that we won't be bored." I smirked at Luhan.

"Jagi.. I'm not idiot~ okay,I'll do something." He kissed me without me noticing it. And that..

"Yah! Both of you! You're both in detention room and now kissing and doing PDA STUFF HERE?! YOU'LL HAVE DETENTION FOR A WHOLE WEEK! No excuses." The teacher screamed at us. I glared at Luhan and he just shrug it off with an innocent face. I mentally snapped Luhan's head in my mind. All of them laughed at us while I'm still glaring at Luhan.

>>>>>>>fast forward>>>>>>>>>

"Eommaaa, I'm backkk~" I grinned at her as soon as I saw mom.

"Ah,welcome back. Go and take a bath,I'll cook dinner"

"Arraseo,kamsahamnida eom!" I ran up.

I took a shower and I check my phone. Strange. Jiyong texted me. It's.. Been a while.....

________ : what's up?

Jiyong : how's your day?

________ : not that good. I got into detention cause of Luhan and his friends.

Jiyong : that's fun!

________ : no,it's not. My reputation~ ( T^T )

Jiyong : hey ehm.. Let's go on a date tomorrow after school please?

________ : instead of a date,let's just call it hangout. Then I'll go. But I'll tell Luhan first,arraseo?

Jiyong : sure.

Luhan POV


"Yes jagii?" I laughed.

"Jiyong asked me out for tomorrow~ can I go with him? We're hanging out. Don't worry my manly boyfriend~"

"s-sure. If he does anything stupid. Call me"

"I will ~ goodnight my manly namja chingu"

"Ne~ goodnight cheeky yeoja chingu"

So.. Jiyong started a move on her. Is he trying to win her back? After he hurted her? Will she.. Dump me? I'm so restless..

Your POV

Weird.. Lulu ( Luhan's nickname x'D ) doesn't sound okay. Is he sad? That tomorrow I'll go hangout with Jiyong? I should set a line... So the three of us won't hurt each other..

________ : hey, sure! Let's hangout tomorrow.. But.. I don't think I should hangout with boys anymore. I don't really want my namja to be jealous...

Jiyong : arraseo... I'll be waiting for you.

_______ : I forgot! I got detention.. Can you wait for a while then..?

Jiyong : a smart kid? Detention?? x'D what happened?

________ : longggg story, but it's all Lulu's fault!! T^T

Jiyong : Lulu?

________ : Luhan-shi.

Jiyong : oh,okay. Goodnight! ;)

________ : annyeongg Jiyoungieee

*beep* *beep*

"Oh! Oppa!" (Kim taehyung)

"_______, can you help me something? Tell the teacher tomorrow I'm not coming."


"Business problems. I need to fly back to America for 3 days" ( in this fanfic,Taehyung is very rich and clever. He owned a company in America. ;) although he had finished his college. He went back here just for fun and meet ______ )

"Ah,arraseo. Safe trip~ bring me some souvenirs neeee? Jeball~"

"I will,I will. Don't worry."

"ㅋㅋㅋ,안녕~ I'm gonna sleep now~"


I check today's date. 9.. 4 more days, and I'll be turning 16~

Jiyong's POV

I felt so nervous.. Tomorrow I'll be hanging out with _______. Is she nervous as well? I'm going to make this hangout fun. I hope nothing will ruin this. I know.. I don't stand a chance but.. I will gain her trust. Slowly by slowly.


Taehyung : hyung,I'll be going to America for 3 days. I have some business to do. Would you like to join me?

Jiyong : sure,when will we depart?

Taehyung : tomorrow.

Jiyong : I have.. An appointment with ________..

Taehyung : well,are you sure you wanna skip this opportunity?

Jiyong : wait. Let me talk to her.

Your POV


"Ji, something wrong?"

"Hey,is it okay? I have something to do tomorrow.. And I can't hangout with you. Is-"

"No,it's fine. Do your stuff. We'll hangout next time"

"Oh,okay. Thanks!"


Jiyong's POV

I just canceled my opportunity to be with her.. But,by the time I'm back,I'll give her a surprise..

Jiyong : done,we'll leave tomorrow.

Taehyung : okay. I'll bring my Ferrari back to America,what car are you bringing?

Jiyong : my one and only babe,Lamborghini. (Jiyong is the CEO of his dad's company. I made this up. Hahaha)

Taehyung : great,we'll race our babe there.

Jiyong : sure. See ya tomorrow.

Taehyung : bye.

Hooohhh! I'm so excited. Tbh,I'm in love with BigBang's BANG BANG BANG song!! Clearly, I'm happy that this fanfic reached 1k. Kamsahamnida.. I'll do my best. Sorry for slow update and grammar :')

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